➤ 028

May 10, 2012 16:42

i'm done turning blue
bad things - interlude
snsd, gen; pg; 514 words
vampire au


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The light bounces off the sequins on Jessica’s dress as she paces back and forth. “Are you sure it was her?”

Sunny shrugs. “I can’t be sure. I didn’t find out her last name, and she could have lied about that anyway.”

“Then what makes you even think-”

“Seohyun said something about a girl named Tiffany taking care of her, and I remembered that you’ve mentioned that name before. And then when I actually looked at her, she looked just like you.” Sunny leans forward, eyes tracking Jessica’s movements. “Jess? Are you okay?”

“I just found out my baby sister is a fangbanger,” Jessica spits. “What do you think?”

Sunny raises an eyebrow. “You don’t seem to mind them so much when you’re the one banging them.” Jessica’s hand lashes out, but Sunny is faster. She catches Jessica’s wrist and yanks her back, throwing her onto the bed. She half-expects Jessica to leap up and go for her throat this time, but Jessica just lays there, looking for all the world like an abandoned doll.

“I just,” Jessica begins, and then stops. Sunny rests a hand on her knee, and after a moment Jessica continues, “I wanted to protect her. I gave up so much for her to be safe, and she just…threw it away.”

“Maybe she’s looking for you,” Sunny suggests quietly.

Jessica snorts. “She hasn’t done a very good job of it if she is.”


“I know, I know.” Jessica sighs and shifts so her head is in Sunny’s lap. “What do I do?”

Sunny runs her fingers through Jessica’s hair. “What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know.”

Sunny shrugs. “Then don’t do anything, at least for now. I’ll keep an eye on her via Seohyun.”

Jessica catches Sunny’s hand and tilts her head back to look up at her. “You’d do that for me?”

Sunny laughs and bends to kiss Jessica’s forehead. “Of course I would. After all, you’re my sister.”

They’re quiet for a moment, and then Jessica says, “Speaking of, have you heard from Vic at all?”

“Not for a while.”

“Are you worried?”

Sunny frowns. “Is there a reason I should be?”

“No, I just-Hana said something the other day about some organization hunting down the old ones and their lines.”

Sunny scoffs and shakes her head. “You know you can’t trust a word that girl says.”

“Still!” Jessica protests. “It could be something.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it.” Sunny settles back against the pillows. “Seriously, don’t worry about it. Vic can take care of herself. Plus she’s got Khun with her if anything happens.”

“Do you think-” Jessica says, voice quiet in a way Sunny rarely hears, “if someone came after us, do you think she would come back?”

Sunny sighs. “I don’t know,” she says honestly. “She might be too far away to do anything.”

“But would she come?” Jessica presses.

Sunny reaches over her to turn off the light, plunging the room into darkness. “Go to sleep, Jessica.”

concrit welcome and appreciated!

♝: vampires, ♘: snsd, ♙: g, ♕: sunny, ♕: jessica, ♗: kpop

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