It's Already May Again

May 02, 2021 21:59

Three weeks have passed since my last update, and it's already May again.

I had a week of me time while Dad went to visit his siblings, and it's quite refreshing. Life went back to the usual after that, and I found myself get irritated easily. Maybe I started to get cabin fever, maybe it's just Dad who irritated me with his negative comments, fault-finding, and thoughtless behavior regarding this pandemic.

Sometimes I felt guilty from complaining so much about Dad, but sometimes I just couldn't help feeling tired dealing with him. Well, we humans simply never feel satisfied, do we?

Work this month was fine; no stupid people questioning my work. Reading, cross stitching, and working out also went well. Weather has been super duper hot, though, and it made me feel pretty miserable unless I kept staying in my room with the AC on.

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