I wander through fiction to look for the truth ◇ Relationships

Feb 21, 2008 00:00


Mikaela [movie] ; girlfriend

Who cares that they're still teenagers? Sam loves Mikaela just as much as he loves his parents and Bumblebee. He really thinks she deserves better, he knows she can get someone better than him but he loves her too much to let her go. She's the best thing that's ever happened to him, after all.

Sam is a bit worried though that something might be off with their relationship. He wonders if it could be better if he never met Alice and got tongue rape'd by her. But, he tries to forget that even happened and he's moving on. Now he just hopes she will stop running off to talk with Decepticons. :( even though he doesn't know

Anise [tales of the abyss] ; Friend?

For a kid, she's okay. They've only talked a few times, but Sam was impressed when they first met. She took down mutant plants. With magic. Magic. Talk about awesome.

He hasn't seen much of her to actually decide if he likes her or not but one things for sure: she's a little kid and little kids do not need to know about grown-ups you are so not an adult, sam having sex or what sex is or how babies are made or anything until she's the right age. kfjngzkdfjnglzkdfjd

Sarah Lennox [movie] ; Friend-possible mother figure?

Honestly, he doesn't know her well at all but she's the wife of Will Lennox which means she's okay in Sam's book. From what he's seen, she's like another mother figure. Now, obviously, Sam doesn't want anyone to replace his mom but-- having another mother figure is cool. She yells at Sam to shut up enough time and even makes dinner.


Bumblebee [movie] ; guardian/friend

These two are like brothers and Sam's glad he could have a friend like him. They're close, after all he loves his car. Not like that perverts. From the moment Sam had "bought" Bumblebee off that used car lot, there was a connection. The second he sat in the driver's seat and his hand brushed over the steering wheel, Sam knew that would be his car. Instead of a car, he got a lot more than he would have ever asked for. A wonderful friend who is also his guardian.

Speaking of being his guardian, he's really glad that Bee would drop anything to come to Sam's rescue, but Sam if afraid that 'Bee could have more in life and never know because of this. :( He just wants what's best for his friend; even though he claims Sam is his life.

Sam has a lot of respect for Bumblebee too. And to top it off, he really doesn't want to see anything bad happen to him. He's already watched Sector Seven capture his friend, then he witnessed his friend lose his legs-- Sam doesn't want him to lose his life next.

Ironhide [movie] ; Autobot/Friend/not!guardian

Sam is not kidding; he doesn't want to hear clank clank clank at night. He'll grab his communicator, put it on video and leave it there for all of Axiom to hear B|

Start building bridges too because everyone needs you to talk to your boyfriend in case a battle happens and you know. You two refuse to help each other. Then we all die. WHAT THEN?!

Ratchet [movie] ; Autobot/Friend

For the love of god just kiss and make up already.

Optimus motherfucking Prime [movie] ; Autobot/Somewhat like a friend? idfk

Sam is glad he could help Optimus, even though just a month ago he didn't want to be an alien ambassador. He's glad that somebody was able to believe in him when Sam couldn't even believe in himself. He's a bit iffy on the whole war thing, but he knows he's been dragged into their war. Now he doesn't want innocent people being dragged into it as well.

However, Sam would be lying if he said he didn't regret what happened in the forest. It was his fault Optimus died, and he knows it. If he had only listened then maybe that would have never happened. He doesn't care that Prime died for a good reason, that reason was still because of him. And he doesn't want anyone else to fall because of him.


tank face Hugotron Megatron [movie] ; some psycho alien that wants his brain

Okay yeah. This guy robot? He's a creeper. When you're around him you should have an adult. He likes to grab flesh.

In all seriousness, Sam is dead-fucking-afraid of Megatron. Oh yeah, over the network he might act differently. But that's because it's the network. Megatron can't get to him or his brain there. Except, now Sam has been informed that it's possible for Megatron to track his signal.

Needless to say: Sam is going to probably avoid him now, or if he finds he must talk to Megatron for whatever reason, he'll lock his posts only if he really needs to.

Now let's just hope these two don't randomly run into each other on the street. Because Sam would probably run into a building to hide.

Barricade [movie] ; Decepticon kjfngzldkfjngzd

He's a creeper and a stalker. When Sam first arrived in Axiom, the first person that Sam actually saw was... none other than Barricade. And boy, was 'Cade an angry Decepticon.

Before Bumblebee came to the rescue, Sam was told "You destroyed the Allspark. You took everything from us. And before I kill you, I will do the same to you." Yeah. Sam is going to make sure that can never happen. And he also plans to make sure that this 'Con doesn't find out about the symbols in his head. Sam really doesn't want to know what will happen if word gets known that he's a walking allspark. Even though his girlfriend mentioned it B[

*ooc, relationship

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