Permission Meme ; And the seasons never change. They just always stay the same.

Jul 07, 2009 15:30

◇ Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/maybe so?:
Go ahead! Warning would be nice. You can reach me via AIM (twice blessed x) and ask. Usually I don't mind unless it's a serious conversation going on. That's when a heads up is nice~

◇ Backtagging with this character - yes/no/maybe so?:
Again, go ahead. I'm usually slow with my tags myself.

◇ Hugging this character?:
Muse says no, I say yes. It'd be awkward for him. He isn't the type to punch someone in the face but he'll wiggle out of the hug.

◇ Giving this character a kiss?:
BWAHAHAHAHA. YES. Epic stuttering and flailing will happen. If you want lulz then do it.

◇ Punching this character:
I don't mind fighting. Sam isn't exactly strong so fighting back would be difficult for him. Muse abuse is fun so if Sam says something to piss you off (which he's known to do), then feel free to punch him. Like threadhopping, contact me before hand please. ^^

◇ Is there anything ought not be mentioned near this character?:

◇ Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, fighting abilities, STUFF:
Well, Sam can't fight and he's just a squishy human BUT it's nice to know that yes, he's sort of crazy. He is hearing voices and seeing symbols in his head. He'll be scribbling symbols on walls as well. Don't mind him.

◇ Anything else, please mention here:
Spazzy muse is spazzy. He screams like a girl. Enjoys his happy time. And I'm having a brain break.

Why yes, I do enjoy making Sam's life hell.

Any other questions you might have, feel free to post here if you can't reach me on aim~
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