My Love Waltz- Chapter 15

Oct 21, 2012 12:09

Chapter 15: When Moon meets the Sun.

Waking up as morning sun shone through his room’s curtain. Besides him is his baby, YoonMin, his baby was terrified by the size of the mansion and unable to leave his mother side since their arrival there.

Yesterday flashback.

The old Kim can’t suppress his content when his only grandson and eldest son return to the mansion.

‘Jaejoongie!’ his father greets Jaejoong’s arrival with wide opened welcoming arms. ‘Appa…’ Jaejoong came to his father hugs. ‘It has been such a long time…’ Mr. Kim slightly tightens his hug. They only chat through video calls because his father was too busy to leaves his position even for one day.

He was happy the moment he receives the news that Jaejoong was married last two years after he’s back from vacation but he was disappointed that he couldn’t attend his son wedding ceremony. He heard everything from Siwon during his last visit to the mansion which is back to nearly two years ago after Jaejoong’s husband went missing.

Mr. Kim’s flashback

He tried to ask the young man who is Jaejoong’s husband but he got nothing as the other was reluctant to say anything.

‘I’m sorry uncle but I’m not in the position to freely tell you anything, Jaejoong was in deep despair since his husband disappeared. He even burned all their pictures. He said he doesn’t want to see any sign or things that remind him about his husband.’ Siwon solemnly deliver the news. Mr. Kim shut his eyes tightly; he couldn’t believe his eldest son would suffer again and what most angered him is he can’t be there when Jaejoong suffering from his loss.

What makes him disbelief is his son would married without asking his permission or gives him the chance to meet his son-in-law. Is he has been a bad parents? And makes his eldest son feels it is not important to inform him first? Mr. Kim feels sad and disappointed; he can’t put the blame on Jaejoong because he’s also guilty.

‘How’s his condition now?’ said Mr. Kim with concerns and solemn voice. ‘He’s pregnant with his child and now entering his second trimester.’ Siwon add. ‘I will be a grandfather…?’ Mr. Kim shocked by the news. Siwon nods. He feels happy and sad at the same time, he’s happy as he will have a new family members soon but he feels sad as Jaejoong’s baby will not knew who his father is.

Mr. Kim flashback ends

His trance was shattered when Jaejoong pats his shoulder. ‘Appa? Stop dreaming. I have someone to introduce to you, appa…this is YoonMin, your grandson.’ Jaejoong introduce the little boy that hiding behind him, tightly holds on his pants. Eyeing those gigantic adults with a pair of scared huge doe eyes a trait that he inherited from his beautiful mother. He never saw them before.

‘YoonMinnie-ah, this is grandpa and that is Uncle Junsu, Uncle Changmin and Auntie Younha…they all umma’s family, now let’s say ‘hi’ okay?’ Jaejoong soothes his terrified son. He knew this would come; Junsu, Changmin and Younha paid him a few visits during his pregnancy and came a few times after he delivered to YoonMin but he was too little to remember his uncles and auntie.

‘Say ‘hi’ to them Minnie.’ Jaejoong urged him. With reluctance and terrified little voice he greets his grandfather, uncles and auntie. ‘Looks like this little guy need more time to adapt himself here.’ Changmin squatted down at the same height with YoonMin. ‘Lets’ be best friend ne~’ Changmin cheerfully cooed and offer him a Santa deer plushie.

YoonMin responded by widening his already large doe eyes at the plushie, he look back and forth between Changmin and the little plushie. He lifted his chin up meeting his mother gaze. Jaejoong nods giving his permissions.

He extends his little hand reaching for the plushie, with his baby language ‘tank yu…un-uncle C-Chanmin…’. He hugs the plushie tightly and hides behind his mom again, this time with a shy smile.

Flashback ends.


The buzzing city of Seoul, for seven years he have been away from this city. He walks into his company building, Chrysalis. None of his employees know he is the owner of the company since the company founded five years ago. They recognized Heechul and Siwon as their boss something that Jaejoong couldn’t blame them for; he was an irresponsible employer, never show himself at company party, important meetings and etc as long as it related to socializing he will leave the matter in Heechul’s and Siwon’s hand.

He walks directly towards the elevator; he visited the building once and still has vivid memory of the place. He earns everyone attentions. Whose don’t attract to the beauty?
He changed a lot after delivered to YoonMin. He found his new strength, new goal. He done a makeover on himself, his hair no longer the black raven hair instead it’s a dark maroon, he wore a skinny black jeans emphasizing his skinny leg and a loose grey turtle neck covering until his mid thigh.

They never saw him in the company that’s another reason why he becomes their attentions. But he seems knew the place very well. Jaejoong walks toward his destinations, the always empty CEO’s office or his office.

‘Please wait sir maybe I help you?’ One of the staff braved herself to greet him as he entered the office gaining everyone’s attention. As he scans around he could see his employees’ eyes sparkling with curiosity making him feels like an animal just escaped from zoo.

‘Don’t worry you didn’t have to, just continue with your work.’ He flashes his beautiful smile making all of them struck by cupids’ arrow.

‘B-but sir…’ The employee tries to stop him. ‘By the way, I’m Jaejoong…Kim Jaejoong. I guess you know the name even though you never meet me.’ Jaejoong slightly nod his head and leave. He didn’t intend to make a fuss in the office and makes them welcome him like a king that’s the reason why he makes his arrival secret. But it turns outs they suspect him as other company spy.

On the other hand, the whole office frozen the moment they heard his name. Who doesn’t recognize the name? The owner of this dream company of young designers, the main designer and also the head CEO, Kim Jaejoong, he’s been a mystery every since the establishment of the company because no one ever seen him in person.

‘You’re kidding me…’ one of the employees approach her. ‘We got an angel as our boss…’ they all nod in unison still in shock.

He opened the door to his office. The huge empty office, there are few basic things that he needs to do his work in his office, must be prepared by Heechul the moment he heard Jaejoong wants to fully take over his company. But the office still lack of his personal touch. There are still lots of work to do and from today onwards, he will add his touch into the room slowly.

‘Let’s get to work.’ He stretches his body and put his hands on hips.


Jung’s Corporations

His pupils actively scan through the document in his hand. He can’t afford to have any mistakes in the agreement or it will leave a bad impression on them. He heard a knock on the door ‘Come in.’ he gives permission. His secretary walks in, the way she walks show her professionalism and enthusiasm in her job, of course she’s a great mom too…someone that Yunho amused for her capability of handling her job both in office and home.

‘Mr. Jung, the design company has given us their answer. They gladly accept the offer.’ Min-ah shows the fax that she just received. She still wondering why Yunho would chose that company as the new interior designer for their new hotel located in Jeju Island.

The company originally a fashion designing company but recently they heard a rumor that the mysterious CEO of the company suddenly appeared and makes a changes in their company by adding another branch of professions.

‘Mr. Jung, I’m just curious…why Chrysalis? This company is quite new in interior design field and we don’t know whether they had the capability to handle this project?’ Min-ah expresses her thought to Yunho. Yunho diverted his attentions from the document.

‘Well, I see the potential from the sample design they’ve sent to us and among all the designer that sent us their designs, only theirs shows the exact feeling that I want our customer to have…the feeling of being in home.’ Yunho explains ‘besides that it is the main theme that we set when we requested them to sent us their sample design.’ Yunho add again.

Min-ah couldn’t help but to admit Yunho has his point. She was amused by the main designer’s touch; it is not a wonder or any type of miracle. It clearly shows the gift, the potential and the ability…it’s more than a genius to create such designs. ‘Now do you still have any doubt?’
Yunho fixed his gaze on her. ‘No…Mr. Jung, it’s clear you have made the right choice. I will set an appointment with Chrysalis for us to further discuss about the contract.’ She bowed and leaves the room.



A knock is heard from his office door ‘come in’ he gives his permission. His secretary walks in bringing a fax with him. ‘Mr. Kim, regarding the contract for Grand Athena Hotel by Jung’s Cooperation, we manage to get the contract. They said they would like to set an appointment for both parties meeting. So I want to confirm from you sir, could you make it this Friday at 2.p.m., Green Tree Hotel’s restaurant?’ - He stared at his beautiful boss feeling awed by his features. He still couldn’t believe a man could be such beautiful, beautiful but not in a very feminine way. But that’s the only adjective that he could find to describe the other.

‘Yes, sure…this Friday, 2.p.m. Green Tree Hotel’ Jaejoong confirmed the day, time and venue; he was planning to bring YoonMin sightseeing around Seoul and have some mother-son bonding time. But he could bring him the next day, this time he would consider bringing him to amusement park.
His secretary bowed and trying to leaves the room. ‘Wait a minute, Seunghyun. May I know who I will meet with?’ Jaejoong’s curious. He has this floating feeling like hundreds of butterfly flying in his stomach. Is he getting closer to him?

‘The company young CEO, Mr. Jung Yunho and his secretary would be in the meeting and join by two of his employee that in charge of this project.’ Seunghyun checked on the fax. Jaejoong hearts skip a beat the moment he heard his beloved name. ‘You can leave now.’ He allowed.

The moment the door closed. Jaejoong slumped himself on his leather office chair. He had made his move to get an inch closer to him, the main reason why he started to learn interior designs; he carefully traced the exposed necklace on his chest… ‘Yunnie…I wonder if you will remember about me when we meet?’ He stared at the scenery of the skyscraper of Seoul.

Later that night.

Yunho just finished his job and now heading to his next destinations, a French restaurant where HyulRin had made her reservations. He can’t stand with her annoying him non-stop whenever Yunho refused to date her.

He reached his destinations and leaves his key to the valet; he walks into the luxurious restaurant. The restaurant seems empty and plus he feels uncomfortable when all the waiter and waitress bowed at his arrival. He had a very funny feeling about this ‘Don’t you tell me…she reserved the whole restaurant?’ Yunho let out a heavy sigh at his thought, he don’t know whether he could afford to give this women the life she wants.

She lives in luxury, even though Jung’s corporations is an empire of Land, Property and Mortgage also involved in few other industry like the Kim’s do. But Yunho prefer to keep a low profile kind of life, challenging activities is his favourite but eating in such fancy restaurant, reserving the entire restaurant just to eat one dinner is not worth for him.

The waiter motioned him towards his table and HyulRin already seated there waiting for him. She glances at her watch every five seconds and face clearly shows irritations. ‘Here we go again.’ Yunho sighed. He wishes that he have a pair of ear-plug with him now.

‘Hi, sorry I’m late.’ Yunho took his seat at the opposite of HyulRin. She throws deadly glares on him. ‘You’re late…and just that?’ HyulRin raised her tone a bit. ‘HyulRin, I did told you that I’m busy and I did asked you whether you could wait or not and you answered ‘yes’ so please just bare with it...’ said Yunho in monotonous tone.

Her eyes start glimmering with tears ‘You don’t love me.’ She put a huge pout on her face making Yunho sighed for another countless time. ‘Yes…I don’t., remember who force us into this situations? Look we have go through this hundreds of time. HyulRin, please find another guy who would love you and look at you. Can’t you see? I can’t love you at all…I-I can’t love anyone.’ Yunho stuttered at the end.

It’s weird for him. Since two years ago, he never fell in love with anyone or attracted to other person. He feels something empty, something wrong…something’s missing from his life. He thought the feeling would subside after a period of time but no, it stayed with him until now.
‘Are you in love with someone?’ She asks in suspicious tone, no she can’t give up after she had him within her claws now. She gonna get him.

‘I-I…’ Yunho open his mouth but nothing came out, he gulp his saliva ‘don’t have anyone.’ He continues. ‘Then why don’t you love me?’ she pleads. ‘No! I can’t I don’t know!’ Yunho raised his voice for the first time at HyulRin. ‘I could treat you as friends as my sister but never as a lover or as my wife…you will suffer if you’re married me.’ Yunho forced the reality into her.

‘No! I will not…you’ll love me someday!’ She ran out of the restaurant leaving Yunho behind. ‘HyulRin!!’ he stood up but he let her go. It is better for both of them to chill down at the moment. This is the never ending drama between them.

Every time, Hyulrin mentioned whether he loves her or not, his answer is always ‘NO’. But whenever she asks the reason why? Or whether he already has someone? He will answer ‘I don’t know’ and ‘No, I didn’t date anyone.’ Repentance of the same scene that starting to bored him out, he once thought to act cruel, forcefully break their engagement and didn’t bother about her lives or death. But he was not that type of person, he still have mercy on those who loved her. ‘Please prepare my car.’ He request to the restaurant manager. The manager nods.

The ride was silent. His stomach growled in hunger ‘aish.’ but the hunger was too annoying to be ignored he thought of stopping at nearby and bought himself some street food which is a lot better than the one in those fancy restaurant. At least it will be at a good amount and reasonable price. He saw an opened stall and parked his car by the street side.

‘Ajumma! I want two set of tteobokki, take away.’ Yunho shouted at the busy aunty. ‘Okay!’ She shouted back. There’s a lot of people even though it’s already around 10p.m. ‘Here’s your take away.’ The aunty handed him two food bags, Yunho paid for the price and went back to his car before something caught his attentions.

A group of man swarming someone, they seem to have a bad intention to the one whom being cornered. ‘Please let me go, I already gave you my money!’ He pleads, hugging his body.

Back to two hours ago.

He mentally slaps himself. He forgot about time again. He was too immersed with his work the moment he realized it already 8 at night. He promised YoonMin today that he will eat dinner with him. ‘Shit!’ he cursed. He quickly packs his things up and rushed out of the building. The guards bowed at his leave, he is the owner of the building.

He got into his Jaguar, presents from his father. His phone suddenly ringed, he look at the screen and saw it’s a phone call from Junsu. He press the accept button.

‘Yeoboseyo, Junsu-ah what’s the matter?’ -Jaejoong , ‘What’s the matter?’ Junsu squeaked at the other line. ‘It’s 8.p.m now and where are you? YoonMin refused to eat his dinner because he wants to wait for you.’ Junsu squeaked again.

‘Sorry, I kinda forgot when I realized it’s already nearly 8p.m.’ Jaejoong apologized. Junsu sighed; he gazed at the pouting little child, Changmin and Younha still persuading him to eat. ‘You better be hurry.’ Junsu talked to Jaejoong. ‘I will.’ He answered.

Jaejoong press the hang up button, YoonMin sure gonna throw his tantrum on him when he get back home. He hates this but what other choice he left with? He needs to buy candy for YoonMin. Jaejoong strongly against persuading a child by using candy but when he doesn’t left with much option that will be his ace card to soothes his little guy.

He looked around for still opened store. He’s looking for a specific candy that YoonMin loved the most, Polly the Cow milk candy, YoonMin’s favourite candy. After more than an hour’s of looking he found the milk candy at a 24hours shop. ‘Found you.’ He smiled, YoonMin would be happy to see his favorite candy, usually Jaejoong forbids him taking sweets because he’s trying to take care of his baby health.

He walks out of the store and didn’t aware of a group of four man have been eyeing on him the moment he appeared at the street.

‘Look…’ one of the men signaled his gang. Eyeing on the beauty, they smirks and sent signals to each other ‘A fat lamb.’ They whispered in their heart as if they could sense Jaejoong is a well-off man. They patiently waited for their chance to come.

They followed Jaejoong until they reach a rather quiet place, Jaejoong still grumbled in annoyance why he parked his car so far away oh yeah, there’s no parking around here; he reminds himself. Without he realize he was cornered by four huge guys.

‘Hey lovely…’ one of the guys caresses his cheek. Jaejoong flinched at his touch. ‘Woooo…he got smooth skin.’ Jaejoong throws deathly glares at them. ‘What do you want?’ Jaejoong demands. ‘Relax honey; we just want your money. Now give us your money while we still in our gentlemen mode.’ Another man extended his hands, beckoned asking for Jaejoong’s wallet.

Money? He didn’t have much cash in his wallet, all he got is one credit card which he rarely use because he’s make lunch box for his lunch. ‘Wait.’ He raised his hands signaling them to stop approaching him.

He clumsily took out his wallet; he took his identification and driving license before throwing the wallet to them. ‘Now take it and leave me alone.’ He took the plastic bag containing YoonMin’s candy to his chest.

The man rummages his wallet and only found a few coins and 100,000 won; they frowned and looked at each other. ‘Just this?’ they ask him. ‘That’s all I have!!’ he shouted. Hoping someone would hear them.

They took the money but and throw his wallet to the side, ‘I think he hides it on his body, we should strip him naked.’ One of the suggested, Jaejoong flinched in cold the moment he heard ‘strip’, what are they trying to do with him?

They harshly caught his wrist; he tossed his hand trying to pry their strong grips. The other approaches him and started trying to undress him. He harshly pushes them off and tries to run away but failed. ‘No!! Please let me go, I already gave you my money!!’ he pleads, he’s scared and at the verge of breakdown. No…he wouldn’t let other man sees his naked body other than his Yunho.

‘Yah!!’ he heard the familiar baritone shouted; his voice is full of autocracy. ‘What you all trying to do?’ Yunho shouted again. He marched forward, ‘Mind your own business!’ one of the guy trying to sent his punch on him. He dodges and throws a strong punched right above the stomach, sending him directly onto the ground. ‘You want a fight? I’ll give you a fight.’ His bones made a cracking sound the moment he tighten his fists, oh yeah he is very in the mood…he can’t punch that woman but now he can punch those eye soring men. Within 3 minutes the other three men kisses the floor, unconscious.

Yunho raised his eyebrow, well that wasn’t much of a fight and he even hasn’t finished his warming up. His stomach growls again ‘shit!’ he mentally cursed the moment he saw the food bag on the ground, here goes his food and he’s hungry.
aejoong frozen the moment he saw Yunho, in front of him protecting him from those guys. His hearts got its warmth back; he feels that he wants to spill his tears. Yunho, his Yunho, now in front of him; looked handsome like he always does.

‘Hey, are you okay?’ Yunho concerns of the other guy, Jaejoong lifted up his chin showing his tearing huge doe eyes. Tears of happiness. Yunho got his breath stuck the moment he saw the beauty as if the time has stop, his huge doe eyes, plump red lips, white alabaster skin everything captivate him…familiarity is all he feels but he’s sure that it’s the first time he met the other.

‘I- I…’ he stuttered but before he could finish his words suddenly Jaejoong throw himself into Yunho’s embrace. ‘What the…?’ his words stuck in his throat the moment he heard the other sobs, he must be freaked out by the scene.

‘It’s okay…you’re safe now.’ Yunho lifted his hand to caresses the other hair, but his action stopped, why he has the urge to comfort the other? He hid the other face at the crook of his neck and then he shifted his chin on top of the other head, rubbing Jaejoong’s arm soothing him.

To Be Continued.

fic: my love waltz, yunjae fanfics, type:yaoi, genre:romance, genre:fluff, genre:mpreg, genre:angst

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