My Love Waltz- Chapter 14

Oct 17, 2012 08:41

Chapter 14~ When the Butterfly Lost its Wing.

“E-eight months?” Yunho stuttered. His tongue tied up the moment he heard the number. “You’re kidding me right?” Yunho asked for confirmation from Kyuhyun. He hates to be fooled like this. “No…I’m not kidding. I’m freaking serious hyung, you have been missing for eight months” He pointed to Yunho and stuck out his eight fingers to him showing his seriousness with his widen eyes.

“Take this” he threw Yunho today’s newspaper showing today’s date. Yunho froze. It’s exactly eight months after the day he fell into the sea. Where has he been to all these eight months? His head starts throbbing in pain the moment he tries to use his head to remember. “Arrrrgghh!!” Yunho holds his head. It feels like a 70kg object fell on his head. Not only his head but his whole body was in pain due to the accidents. He tried to move his leg but can’t… He can’t feel his leg. He quickly threw off the blanket that was covering the lower part of his body and he saw both of his legs still there but he can’t feel it. “Kyuhyunnie…I-I can’t feel my leg…” he shockingly looked at Kyuhyun. But Kyuhyun didn’t seem shocked by his remarks.

“Hyung, listen. Due to the accident, you experienced spinal injuries because you were thrown onto the ground. This hospital doesn’t have enough equipment to help you with the surgery so you will be transferred to another hospital to receive your treatments. Uncle, aunty, and Yoochun-hyung have rushed themselves here. They are happy hyung, because you’re safe and still alive.” Kyuhyun tapped his shoulder. Yunho was a bit relieved by the news, but he was still afraid… The fear of being unable to walk again, fear if the treatment won’t go well. He doesn’t need another problem after his loss of memories.

Later in the evening he was surprised by three tearing faces, his parents and Yoochun’s. His mom clung onto him like her dear life was depending on him and his father stood by his mom, gently tapping his mom’s shoulder as if comforting her. But still, it’s almost like a miracle for Yunho seeing his stern father shedding tears after seeing him safe even though unable to move his lower part of body. His father assured that he will get the best doctor to treat Yunho until he was able to walk again. Yoochun silently sobbed at the other side of his bed. “Hey buddy, what’s with that crying face?” Yunho greeted him. “You’re alive…” That’s all Yoochun could reply.

A happy reunion…. Slowly, the chilling winds blew into Yunho’s room… The cries of his tearing parents and Yoochun’s seemed to die for a moment. He looks outside of his room’s window; the fallen maples… The freezing winds blew as if it was telling him that there’s someone missing, someone that he can’t remember. He change his gaze to the gold ring settled on his left hand… The longing feelings were there but for whom? He can’t remember anything. “Not even death can keep us apart, Y&J” is the phrase that was engraved at the inner side of the ring.


Jaejoong stared outside the opened window, letting the chilling winds of October blow into his room, freezing his body. He seemed to be immune to the coldness. It’s nothing for him compared with the cold huge room without Yunho. That’s a deadlier coldness for him compared to the winds.

They still haven’t received any news from Mrs. Han about her husband’s, Jaewoo’s, consciousness leaving them clueless where to start their search…Unfortunately Yunho had lost his only identification, the driving license he owned a long time ago when he and Jaejoong went for a walk near the beach. His clumsy Yunnie always kept his precious thing in a place he thought was safest but still ended up losing it.

Jaejoong hummed his favorite waltz. He imagined that Yunho was still with him in the cold room. He would wrap his left hand around his petite waist and the other holds onto his hands.

Leading him dancing across the room, patiently teaching him how to dance using his clumsy feet, around and around accompanied by their laughter every time Jaejoong stepped on his feet, earning several winces from Yunho. Suddenly a huge gush of cold winds blew away his dreams, his happy dreams… The dreams which he wished could stay in forever, within Yunho’s warmth.

“No…no…no….don’t leave me….Yun…nie~…” Jaejoong’s hands reached towards the nothingness in the air, hoping that someone he wanted to see would appear in front of him, but no… He is nowhere to be seen. Jaejoong’s tears poured down again.

He quickly ran out of the room, to the front door and outside of the house with his bare feet. The dark clouds were forming above his head but it wasn’t his concern. He needed to find a place which doesn’t remind him of his missing husband. But sadly, he could find none... Every place, the house, the beach, the cliff, everywhere, even the roads reminds him of Yunho. His leaving backs on the bicycle when he goes to work early in the morning every time Jaejoong sent him to the door, giving loving kisses on his pouty lips.

Rain suddenly poured down heavily, cruelly taking the warmth out of his body. He ran and ran until the ends of the cliff, the place where he and Yunho once dated, where he and Yunho proposed to each other… The once blooming cherry blossom tree was there but now there’s barely any leaves on the tree… They were all withered and blown away like his heart.

“Yun…nie!....Yunnie!...Yunnie!!!!....where are you?” Jaejoong screamed into the heavy rain. He screamed to the top of his lungs until he realized he wouldn’t get any answer.

Crying as the rain covers his tears and sobs with its sound, he knelt down right on the place where he and Yunho sat when they proposed to each other, crying out every single tear he had.


At the Beach House.

Heechul knocked on Jaejoong’s door to check his conditions. The rain was pouring heavily, and he wondered if Jaejoong had cared to lock his bedroom windows. It was Jaejoong’s habit to let the window opens even though the winds were chilling. He loves how the winds blow through his hair. He kept those habits except during winter because the winter breeze was too much for him even though he loves winds.

“Jaejoongie…?” Heechul continued pound on his door. Heechul still hasn’t received any answer from inside. Getting worried of Jaejoong’s condition, he slowly turned the knob and found out that it was unlocked. He peeked into the room, only to find the hugely opened window letting the strong winds blow in with raindrops wetting the flooring.

It seems like a ship wreck inside the room. It was a total mess due to the winds…and Jaejoong was nowhere to be found. Heechul quickly closed the windows and got the maids to tidy the room. He went around the house looking for him; toilet, bathroom, Yunho’s old room, his own room, Siwon’s room, Mr. Lee’s room, store room, kitchen, the porch, and even the garden…but no sign of Jaejoong... Jaejoong was nowhere to be found.

He had a bad feeling about this and rushed to Mr. Lee. “Mr. Lee, do you know where Jaejoong is?” Heechul asked while his heart was thumping crazily, hoping that Jaejoong wasn’t outside, under the heavy rain. “B-but…young master hasn’t come out from his room the last time I was there… It was around 2p.m. when I checked on him” Mr. Lee recalled the last time he saw Jaejoong.

They asked the maids and they received same answer. Jaejoong doesn’t own a cellphone, Mr. Lee checked his shoes and every pair of it was still there. Then the front door knob suddenly clicked and turned. Slowly, the door opened, revealing a drenched Jaejoong. His lips purplish, his white pale skin slightly blue, his eyes like a lifeless soul.
Jaejoong slowly stepped in, his teeth chattering due to the coldness. Heechul screamed at the horrifying view as Jaejoong fainted into his arm. Blood slowly pooled on the floor, earning an alerting gasp from all of them. They carefully and hurriedly moved Jaejoong into the car and drove him to hospital.


The next day morning.

Jaejoong slept peacefully on his white hospital bed as if the sad event never happened. The sun shone into his personal ward room and slightly warmed it up despite the cold October autumn wind. Heechul folded his two arms on Jaejoong’s bed and slept on it with a thick blanket covered over his shoulder.

The sounds from the wind chimes rang with the rhythm of the winds. Jaejoong’s finger moved a little, giving sign that he’s gaining his consciousness. His eyes fluttered, threatening to open, he groaned because of the pain in his nether region.

The doe eyes widen in shock the moment he remembers the pain that he endured during his way back home under the heavy rain. ‘His baby’, his mind screamed in fright. He quickly put his hand over his flat tummy. He still can feel his baby.

He stared ahead absent-mindedly. Nothing could be registered into his head for the moment. All he wanted now was to run away from reality, far from all the pain.
His movement caused Heechul to wake up from his sleep. Heechul realized Jaejoong had waked from his unconsciousness and he immediately shot up from his comfortable sleep. He gazed to the other with tears in his eyes and practically jumped on the other. “Jaejoongie!!! You scared hell out of me!” He sobbed into the others embrace.

Jaejoong just froze in Heechul’s embrace. He didn’t move an inch, just staring straight ahead with his lifeless eyes.

The non-reacting Jaejoong made Heechul’s heart thump crazily as he worried about his fragile best friend. Losing Yunho is like losing the ground where he stood. “Jae……” Heechul lightly whispered Jaejoong’s name, hoping for the other’s response.

He received none….the only thing he got was blank stares. “Jaejoongie…?” Heechul slightly panicked but then his feelings changed to anger. He hated this. How dare Jaejoong mess himself up like that? He didn’t even consider the feelings of those who cared for him, loved him. He raised his hand into the air and a loud slap resounded across the ward room.

Siwon dashed into the room the moment he heard the loud slap from outside “What happened? Chullie?... Jaejoongie?” There were obvious red marks imprinted on Jaejoong’s pale cheek, his head tilted to the side obviously showing that he was the one who was slapped and the one who slapped him was the tearing Heechul.

“Please stop this fucking nonsense attitude of yours!!! What are you trying to do? Suicide yourself and now drift off into your own little world!? Huh?” Heechul’s tears streamed down heavily.

“Please…don’t live for yourself then…but stay alive for us, the ones who love you. Do you think that if you harm yourself and your baby, Jung would be back!? He would not come back Joongie, he wouldn’t… Hurting yourself wouldn’t bring him back.” Heechul shouted senselessly to the starting to sob Jaejoong. Jaejoong held his reddened cheek. The pain stung but not as much as his heart did.

“Chullie…” he raised both of his arms towards his friend, looking for some comfort in the other’s warmth. Heechul quickly grabbed his friend and both of them ended their fight with a long hour crying session.


They rushed him to the hospitals that spent them at least one hour drive from their beach house. The usual trip took at least three hour drives but Mr. Lee put their lives at risk by speeding in the rain on the slippery road.

The moment they reached the hospital, Siwon carried Jaejoong bridal style into the emergency room making sure his friend would be treated on time. Siwon’s shirt was drenched in blood. Heechul cried and Mr. Lee stayed frozen in his seat. Nobody dared to speak the truth in their mind. Is Jaejoong trying to kill himself? But he wouldn’t have returned home if he was determined to do so… What was he doing out there under the heavy storm?

The emergency room’s light turned off, and a doctor came out, taking of his mask. “Are you relatives of Mr. Kim?” the doctor asks them. “Yes we are… Please tell us doctor, what is his condition?’

‘He nearly lost his child but we managed to stabilize his and his baby’s conditions. His body temperature dropped too low and it caused some complications on his child too. We still need to further observe his condition for the time being.” The doctor scanned Jaejoong’s medical report.

“I think that’s all for the moment, but if this condition continues he might have to spend the rest of his pregnancy period in hospital…” the doctor expressed his regrets. He took his leave after that.

Flashback ends


Walking down the white hallway filled with the foul smell of disinfectants, as a doctor he became quite used to it. It’s like a smell of branded cologne that is especially for those in the medical field. From behind, a medic quickened his pace, trying to catch up with him. “Dr.Cho!... Dr.Cho!...” the other voice echoed through the hallway. The young doctor stopped in his tracks and turned to the one who had been calling for him.

“Yes? Can I help you?” Kyuhyun asks the still panting medic. The medic tidied his posture in front of the young doctor; he took out a beautiful silver necklace out of his uniform’s right pocket, shoving it into the doctor’s hand. “What is this?” Kyuhyun threw him a confused look. “It belongs to the man named Jung Yunho. I heard from the nurses that you are his acquaintance so I thought it’s better to give it to you so that you could give it back to its owner. Thank you.” He finished his sentences and left.

He went back to his office, and started to read some of his patients’ medical records then stopped, looking back at the necklace that was handed to him a while ago. He was curious about the relation of the beautiful silver pendant with Yunho. Carefully examining the pendant, something caught his attention, a beautifully carved phrase ‘The Love of My life, Jaejoong.’ He opened the pendant revealing a happy couple and one of them is his Yunho hyung and the other is a beauty.

“Who is this…?” Kyuhyun frowned, lots of question rushed into his head, unanswered.

Two Years Later

A handsome young man walked out of his office, the ladies eyeing on him like a predator…his masculine body, small face, attractive mole, tanned skin… He is the epitome of masculinity; none of the hungry felines could resist such a good meal. How they wish they could carry his seeds in their body. Hissing, licking their lips and slightly purring in pure lust.

He ignored all the attention, the only thing in his mind is his lunch meeting today with a HongKong tycoon which promised him a billion dollar project if he succeeded. With China starting to dominate the economy due to its large population and markets, learning Mandarin became compulsory if you want your company to be in the lead. He learned Mandarin and Cantonese in order to get the company in a better position. Speak their language and they will be more open to you. That’s what he learned after years in the business world.

He got into the elevator and pressed the ground floor button. After a few seconds, he walked out stylishly, passing by his employees. The moment he was to step out of the building, he heard someone calling for him, a familiar voice that he wished that he could manage to avoid at least once in 24hours.

A young lady in her tight red dress which was completely out of the picture ran towards him, with red high heels plus a branded handbag dangling on her left arm, sparkling jewelries around her neck and dangling on her ears.

“HyulRin…” He carefully let out a sigh to not let the other know how disappointed he is the moment he knew about her arrival.

“What’s up? Look here, I’m in a hurry for the moment, could you please save the topic later on? It’s a very important billion dollar project so I really need to go now... Call me later and tell me the time. But for now, ciao.” Yunho quickly ended his speech, not letting the other to do her talk because he didn’t have much time to listen to her whine.

He rushed into his car and dashed off to a particular hotel for his meeting.
“Oppa!!...” she stomped her foot watching him leaving her behind again.


The sound of the piano was faintly heard in the air. It’s the last day that he would be staying there, in the house full of his and Yunho’s memories. He is finally leaving the house after seven year stayed there running away from people…humans. Now he would be back, back to be the stronger him for his nearly two year old son, YoonMin… He decided to return to the Kim’s mansion to be personally in charge of his company. Siwon and Heechul already have their own life and are staying permanently in Japan since last month.

There’s also another reason why he returned to Seoul… To find his missing husband… Siwon finally told him the truth after two years of keeping the secret to himself. He was shocked that Siwon actually knew Yunho’s identity and he had looked for Yunho since the day he gone missing. He did find Yunho but Yunho’s condition had taken him aback.

Yunho doesn’t remember who he is and he decided to keep it a secret again because Jaejoong had complications in his pregnancy. He worried that Yunho’s condition would affect Jaejoong’s. Jaejoong barely made it when he gave birth to YoonMin. Not only that, Yoonmin was born premature; one month earlier than what doctor had expected.

It forced Siwon to make a hard decision, keeping the secret from Jaejoong until the right time comes. It happened that Siwon told him the truth a day before he and Heechul would be migrating to Japan.


“I’m sorry Jaejoongie for keeping this hidden from you for so long… I should have told you the truth the day when you still haven’t become closer to him or fallen in love with him, but I was afraid that you will lose your only chance to be fully healed, having your melodious voice back.” Siwon fidgeted his fingers, kept his stare on the floor, not wanting to see Jaejoong’s current expression.

Jaejoong put a blank expression on his face. Siwon bit his lips and Heechul was the first to burst out in anger, throwing his tantrum on Siwon for keeping those secrets for such a long time.

“Chullie, calm down…Siwonnie didn’t mean any harm. He just wanted to protect me from being hurt and I thank him for being such a thoughtful friend. Thank you, Siwonnie for being by my side when I was devastated.” Jaejoong holds his friend’s hand. Jaejoong smiled at him even though it was still the same sad smile he put on for everyone’s sake, telling them that he is okay. But it’s meaningful for them.

“If you had told me the truth that time… I probably wouldn’t make it… It will be too painful for me if I knew that Yunho doesn’t remember me and his baby. I would rather die…” Jaejoong put on the long gaze.

Flashback ends.

“Young master Jaejoong, the car is ready.” Mr. Lee greeted him. Jaejoong closed his eyes “It’s time…” for him to leave… He closes the piano lid, looking at it for the last time before he leaves. His mother’s white grand piano. He needs to move on, he can’t hold his step anymore. He took the white cloth and draped it over the piano. “Good bye mother. You’ll be always in my heart.” He whispered.

To Be Continued

fic: my love waltz, yunjae fanfics, type:yaoi, genre:romance, genre:fluff, genre:mpreg, genre:angst

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