Let me out!

Mar 25, 2007 18:23


Okay. That should summarize most of what the hell I've been up to recently. The worries of several friends of mine were cute to say the very least. And I did mean it, I am trying to get my priorities straight!

Lookie! A compulsory to-do list (until 28/3):
- get rid of work for World Art Studies (2x paper + 1 final)
- Hanami thing Japanese Embassy
- midterm Japan & the World
- resit Premodern Japanese History
- Tanuki everything

Way cooler to-do list (29/3 onwards):
- Tanuki everything
- Cookingnight + Grey's Anatomy + Isaura
- Organize Fight Club movie night
- Take care of cooking debt
- Organize Alien marathon
- Visit Lakenhal/Oudheden/Naturalis/Rijks museums
- buy concertticket Reel Big Fish

I could try doing the backdating thing. But that's a hell of a lot of backdating to do. So here goes: gala/SVS gala/climbing/parties/Damien Rice concert/stuff with friends. And it was all a lot of fun.
Photos may or may not be found upon clicking on the link:

I find myself pondering a lot. Who knows. I might pick up the regular posting and commenting again.

to-do list

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