Brevity is the soul of wit. Prepare yourselves for some stupidity.

Nov 24, 2006 20:31


Well, this past incredibly stressful, busy week hopefully will even me out karmically with my entire month of December vacation. Three days of intense crammed classes, review sessions and generally irritating administrative details that always take *forever* to deal with, followed by Thanksgiving with my family in Placerville.

So today I have been a total and complete bum. I am wearing pajamas and wrapped in a blanket. I had *potstickers* for dinner. Oh, yessir.

But! I have photos proving that I leave the house! Sometimes!

The view from the living room of the house we stayed at. Isn't Northern California beautiful?

Remember my cousin I made the baby gift for? Well, she had the baby three weeks early! And here he is, held by my sister Tee.

We went for a walk after Thanksgiving lunch/dinner. MAN, was it cold. I'm only smiling to keep my teeth from chattering.

Now I'm home and have wasted today instead of studying. Should I go and work?

Don't answer that.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

pics, franky, grad school

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