SO. I figure that before I start freaking the hell out over the Heroes premiere tomorrow, I should first give my fangasm over SUPERNATURAL~
OKAY FIRST OF ALL, NO DEMON!DEAN MAKES ME CRYYYYYYY. ;___; While Bobby throwing holy water on him made me lol, it still felt like a gigantic slap in the face BAAWWW. Still, seeing Sam take down that demon with his BARE HAND so to speak was AWESOME and I think the whole angels thing is being handled a hell of a lot better here than it was in damn Houses of the Holy or whatever. SAM VS. DEAN? BATTLE OF THE COSMOS? I just wanna see Sam with yellow eyes, c'mooonnn. :X
I especially loved the first scene where Dean wakes up and you follow him through his first actions and stuff with barely any dialogue. It was really well-directed and felt very real. <3 And ummm as far as Ruby, actually don't mind the idea of her sleeping with Sam (if that is in fact the case?) since there's been a good four-month time lapse, though I was JUST getting used to the overacting of her old actor and now they switched and SIGH. Not a huge Ruby fan, but I don't mind her as much as I used to either. AND HAY SO LONG AS SHE'S HELPING SAM GO DARKSIDE...
Also, I fucking cracked UP over the iPod. OH OH OH and in the preview for the next episode, Court and I FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED LIKE REALLY REALLY BAD when they showed Henrickson (so bad that I didn't even have a chance to freak out over Meg OMG \o/) and we were disappointed when we realized it was one of those "not really the dead people" things. D: GODDAMMIT WANTS HENRICKSON BACK.
OH, AND WHILE I'M AT IT, HOW ABOUT SOME SUNNY TALK? God, I hope this show never loses its hilarity. "YEAH. AND HOW DO YOU CATCH A CRICKET?" "WITH A GIANT BIRD." And all the Rambo stuff and HUMAN MEAT and man. WILD CARD HAHAHA.
....AND HO CRAP WE'RE IN THE HOURS NOW FOR THE HEROES COUNTDOWN ASAHDSDFZK I'm so worried about Nathan this season for some reason WHAT SIDE WILL HE CHOOOOSE WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN WHAT WHAT Entertainment Weekly really scared me by talking about some "spiritual reawakening" or some shit? Someone reassure me without spoiling me? ;____;