Mom on Wednesday

Sep 26, 2007 21:21

(This is also copied from email sent on Wednesday.)

Mom is doing much better!

It must be all your prayers, the doc was rather amazed at her progress.

She is still in ICU/CCU, but the nurse said they might move her to a regular floor as soon as tomorrow. It is my sincere hope that they will wait at least one more day to do that.

They took her off the ventilator as soon as they could safely, because she really didn't need it, although they are still delivering oxygen via a small tube. Her blood pressure is back up to normal, and her kidney output is also back to normal. They are delivering nutrition through an arterial IV, so she's getting actual calories to help her heal.

She is starting to wake up, and is mad as heck, as you can imagine! She is still very disoriented and doesn't know where she is, all she knows is she hurts and can't move and is horribly frustrated and probably frightened. The nurses at the CCU are very kind, but also pragmatic about her mental state. Personally, I expect that as soon as tomorrow she'll start to get a grip on the fact that she is in the hospital, and that will improve things greatly.

John and I are grateful for her time in CCU, so that we have been able to be home & rest up for the next round of caring for her. When they move her to a regular floor, one of us will have to be with her at all times, and any calls, cards, or visits will be most welcome!

After the hospital, she will likely go into a skilled nursing facility for a couple of weeks, and then she may or may not be able to return to her apartment. She will definitely require daily home health care if she does, or it may be time for assisted living. All that will be determined in the next week or two as her physical, and hopefully mental conditions improve.

Thanks again for all your prayers and support!
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