Mar 08, 2010 13:17
The internet still isn't connected. We're expecting it some time today, tomorrow at the latest. I hope it's done tomorrow, I've got $3 credit left on this USB thing, a whole day off tomorrow, and I dont' want to spend another $20 on ridiculously expensive internet. I know I could spend a whole day just with the books tomorrow, but with my ever growing study load and my ever improving attitude toward study comes the internet not just as a study tool, but as an actual necessity. There is something like twenty journal articles that I need to read and need to print off between my units, for the next week's allocated study, plus for assignments. I'm broke because I bought a printer, yay me. Dave had one, but doesn't know if it works, and isn't going to storage because he hasn't paid it for this month, so he can't get anything out of there. So I just bought one. I spent about $80, which is $30 more than I thought I would spend, because the $49 printer I saw the other day was no longer there. This one I bought is also a scanner, which is a plus. I set it up today, and just ran about fifty sheets of paper through it. It'll get quite a work out with me, printing out so many journal articles. It didn't come with a computer cord, which is another reason it cost more than I thought. I was thinking that it was unusual that it didn't come with the computer cord, but apparently none of them do, and then I realised that things like toys and flashlights don't come with batteries, and it's all just a way of making more money. They could stick a cord in and make no difference to the price, or sell it seperately and make $20.
I handed in my resume at a clothes store at Broadway today. We saw the sign up when we were there yesterday. It's casual, but the hours depend on your selling ability, and they're after people who can work during the day because the people that are there now are going back to uni. The girl I spoke to yesterday was really nice, the girl that took my resume today was quite rude. Working in a clothes store isn't ideal, especially since it's a surf type shop, and I don't even buy clothes from stores like that because I can't afford it. They have a management position going as well, which I have no experience for but I'm sure I could do easily. In the absense of authority figures I step up and take charge quite naturally. At work on weekends I own the floor, no matter who is on. Whenever Lorelei isn't there I take it all on. Of course, it's not really any responsibility there, but I organise the staff, organise people who call up, deal with customers and get the jobs organised. Yesterday afternoon Cindy (the duty manager) walked in and freaked because it was so busy and there were customers everywhere, but I'd already called all the operators back, had my other supervisor on a register, was dealing with the smokeshop and was directing customers, and every register that could be open was open. Sometimes I think that people expect me to freak out because I never take initiative whenever there is someone else there (like Vicky or Lorelei), but leave me on my own and it comes quite naturally to me. I should probably start showing initiative when managers are there, but oh well. I think Cindy was really impressed with me yesterday too, I sometimes get the impression she doesn't like me, or she does but thinks I'm not that good, we get on alright. Last night she made a mistake with the pick ups and needed one of the drawers counted asap, and Kamila was too busy, so I went and did it for her even though I was on lunch and half way through my sandwich. And I just had everything sorted out and all the jobs done, and it was busy and we were a supervisor short. Kamila was happy with me too because I stayed back and did more than I had to because Liz went home sick, well to be with her sick daughter (who is always sick, I might add, but I guess four year olds might always be). It sucks though, because the only time I ever get a chance to show off how well I deal with responsibilities is when no one is there, and half the time I'm rostered as check outs anyway, which bugs me. I'm really considering quitting, and the only way that I would stay for any great length of time I think was if I got a position of higher responsibility. I don't want a salary position, but perhaps 3IC (which is Melinda these days). We should get rid of Teresa (who is still on holidays), bump up Lorelei, bump up Melinda and put me as 2 or 3IC. Being 2IC could be scary, but Vicky did offer it, though I never could tell if she was being serious.
All my shifts are check outs this week. I'm hoping Liz calls in sick tonight, so that I can step up and not have to be on a check out. I hate, hate, hate check out shifts.
I presume Melissa faxed in her resignation this morning. I'll see when I get there I guess. She said her goodbyes yesterday when she left early (she was sick, being pushed ridiculously by a work place will do that, she did 14-24, then they expected her to do 9-19 the next day, she actually did 14-24 and then 10-15). I gave her my number and we're going to hang out some time. Out of everyone she'd be the one that I'd get closest to, plus we're together on the being treated like crap by Woolworths thing. She invited me and Dave out laser tag one day, she's going to text me when she organises it. I hope she does because I do quite like her. Anyway, good for her that she's leaving. She really did get it worse than I did.
I bought a new skirt yesterday, though I probably shouldn't have. It's so cute though, it's so me. It's short and frilly and came from the Tree Of Life shop, which is cool. I found heaps of stuff in there that I liked, but in the end I chose between two dresses and the skirt. The first dress was a little boring and shapeless up top, but I loved the style. the second dress was strapless and felt like the boobs were too big while the waist was the right size, so the size down would have been too tight at the waist but right at the boobs. I could rant about my weight here, but in all honesty, me and clothes have always been weird together. I have always had problems finding strapless things that fit properly, even when I did weigh 50kgs. Of course, back then my boobs werent' as big as they are now. I hoping I can lose weight at my stomach but still keep my boobs. Speaking of weight loss, I didn't go to the gym today because I went to Broadway and was feeling a bit allergy-ish this morning. I'm going tomorrow, and thinking of going Friday night after work. Twice a week is what I'm aiming for, that's what I did last week. It's funny, the other day at work Melissa said she swore I looked like I'd lost weight. I know that I haven't, but it was nice to hear. It's always nice to hear when people think you look good, and I always feel like I look like crap, so it was nice.
I seen this kid at the mall today with a TBS shirt on, and it made me smile. I spent too much time at Broadway this morning, because the shop I handed my resume in at didn't open until 11am, and I was there before 10am. I spent time shopping, which is bad. I found so many things I now want to buy. Clothes at Target. Books at Dymocks. Clothes at chain stores. An Alice in Wonderland themed dress from Jay Jays. I found the next big book I'm saving up to buy. It's called Science, and is $90, and has lots of awesome, awesome scientific pictures in it. And I'm getting it, even though I haven't read Scientifica yet. I don't care. There were a few other decent science books there, but that was my favourite. I found a few decent psych books too. Most of the books on the psych shelves at Dymocks are a mix between self help and psychic themed, there are only a few that have much to do with psychology at all, and mostly it's all just things about how the brain works. There's a good one though, a little one called 50 Psychology Ideas (you need to know), and I flipped through it and surprised myself by knowing a lot that's in it. I'm not even in my third year yet but I've covered a lot of the main topics in actual, real life psychology. I found a few good bio themed ones too. One of the kids at work, Timo (who always calls me Kristina, which makes me laugh really) brought his text book in and was reading it on his lunch break. He's doing chemistry, just first year, but it made me want to do it again. I miss chem, and bio, but in the end I love psych more.
We're going to a gig for Chantell next weekend, and I can't wait. It'll be good to hang out with people and have a good time. I still always feel like I'm on the outside with everyone I know.
I need a hair cut, but I don't know where's good around here.
Unfortunately I don't feel much like studying today, which sucks. I've only got a few hours left before I have to go out anyway, and that makes it hard too.
moving out,
money matters,
my weight,
job hunting,
work friends,
computer stuff,