Jan 15, 2013 22:29

I am so tempted to friend a bunch of people on Facebook, most of whom have requested it at least once not knowing what they'd be getting themselves into, just to see how spectacularly I can piss people off. I know who they are, that's why I don't add them. You would think they know who I am, I don't exactly hide it. Why would they want to read my opinions on their nonsense? What is it about Facebook that makes people think they can let their ass hang out and no one will point out their pants have fallen down? I think I've officially been on the internet too long. I keep finding myself shaking my cane at those damn kids on my lawn.

I need a new fandom. I need a new job. I can't wait to turn a new leaf of some sort, I have a horrible creeping sense of the other shoe needing to drop. I haven't spoken to anyone but family in so long I'm beginning to wonder about my own sanity, because let me tell you I come from crazy. And I married crazy. Add them all up and the resulting level of crazy exceeds the recommended dose for at least an entire trailer park, if not a whole small town.
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