Natalie and Ethan (1/1)

Dec 24, 2010 00:09

Luke had had such a long day. He just wanted to go home, take a hot shower, after some shower sex with his boyfriend, and then curl up in bed with Reid for the night. It was coming around to their one year anniversary as a couple and they were both cramming at work before they took off for their weekend getaway. It was all Luke's idea, but Reid could never say no to him, so it was no trouble at all to get Reid to go along with it.

Okay, that was not entirely true, not at all. Luke was sure Reid was going to say no before he even brought up the idea of going away for the weekend so he decided he would need some time to persuade the older man. As soon as he had told Reid about his idea, Reid said no and left for work. Luke decided then, he was going to do anything to get Reid to change his mind, which Luke had learned early on in their relationship, was pretty easy. All he had to do was offer lots of sex and food or pout and refuse sex. Either way, in just a few days, Reid was doing whatever it was Luke wanted him to do.

At Thanksgiving, Luke had given him sex and food, well the food came from Emma, but it was still a lot of food. For Christmas, Luke have him a full day of sex, whatever and whenever Reid wanted. They didn't even make it to the farm Christmas day. New Years, he refused sex before Reid had decided to sleep all night instead of going with Luke when he had already promised he would go to Metro with him. Valentine's Day, Reid got sex and food, not because he had made up for New Years with chocolates and flowers, but he had asked Luke to move in with him.

Reid's birthday, nothing because he hid from Luke the whole day. He had told him he was working all day but when Luke had gone to see him, his assistant had informed him that Reid had taken the day off. Luke was upset, but when he found out why Reid had wanted to be alone for his birthday, he understood. Luke's birthday, Luke received whatever he wanted from Reid. The fourth of July, Reid was refused sex because he decided to scare the kids into not using the sparklers they were having fun with.

It was now August and a week before their weekend getaway. It had taken only two days of no sex and Reid was already packing a bag for the getaway. Luke could not believe it. He really had thought that this was something Reid was not going to crack on because he did not want to leave the hospital since he had just become the new chief of staff and the neurology wing had just opened, both a few months ago and things were still a little crazy.

They were going to be leaving for their getaway in just two short days now and they both had the next week off from work. Two days before, three days for the getaway and then two days after that before they had to return to work. Now all he had to do is pack and then repack Reid's bags because he had seen the older man stuffing medical journals and books into the bottom of one of the bags.

The closer he got to their apartment door, the louder he could hear Miley Cyrus singing through the door. He had no idea what he was going to find when he opened the door and he was a little afraid to find out. When he finally did open the door and walk inside, what he saw, he really was not expecting.

There was candy wrappers all over the coffee table, pizza boxes in the kitchen and cans of soda everywhere. But that was not what shocked him the most. It was seeing his boyfriend holding his little brother Ethan in his arms and his little sister Natalie standing on his feet while her hands were wrapped around his free arm and they were half walking, half dancing around the living room behind the couch. Miley Cyrus was playing out of the stereo by the hall.

He closed the door behind him without taking his eyes off his boyfriend and younger siblings. That was when they finally realized that he was standing there. Reid and Natalie just smiled at him but Ethan wiggled out of Reid's arms and came running up to Luke.

"Reid's been babysitting us because Mom needed to take a trip." he said as Luke picked him up.

"She voluntarily had you babysit?" Luke looked at Reid.

Reid looked up at him, "She thought you were going to be home. I was here instead. She didn't have anyone else." he shrugged

Luke snorted, "Again, she voluntarily had you babysit?"

"Give him some credit, he's a fun babysitter." Natalie looked at her brother.

Luke's eyes widened, "I can see that. How long have you two been here?"

"Since eleven." Natalie replied

"If you're hungry there is still some pizza." Reid pointed to the kitchen.

Luke sat Ethan down and headed into the kitchen. As he grabbed a water out of the fridge, Reid came up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist. Luke leaned back into him.

"Where did all the candy come from?"

"We went shopping at that new candy store. I stole your secret stash from the bedroom so I was going to replace it. Then Lily showed up with them and I said I would watch them so I had to take them with me."

"When and how did you find my secret candy stash?"

"About a week ago. I was looking for something."

Luke laughed, "So you replaced my candy and bought extra for them. You do know my mom is going to murder you because they are going to be up most of the night, right?"

"Oh yeah." Reid laughed, kissing Luke's cheek before pulling away.

Luke turned to look at his boyfriend, "You've watched how much they've eaten right? Ethan doesn't do to good with so much sugar."

"Yeah, Natalie told me that so I was watching. But he threw up anyway."

Luke snorted, "Where?"

"On the blanket that Emma gave us for a housewarming gift."

Luke's eyes widened, "What?"

"Don't worry, I cleaned it up and no, I did not throw it in the washer and dryer."

Natalie came bounding into the kitchen, "Can we watch a movie?"

"Sure, go ahead." Luke told his sister.

Natalie then left the kitchen. Reid picked up a piece of pizza and took a bite before handing it to Luke, who took a bite before Reid took it back. They leaned against the counter and watched as Natalie returned from the guest room, which was a room with beds and clothes for them if they ever wanted to stay with Luke and Reid. She had a DVD in her hand and popped it into the DVD player. She and Ethan then plopped down on the couch to watch whatever movie Natalie had picked out.

"Did my mom say how long she would be?"

"She's going to call when she's on her way back."

"We want popcorn!" Natalie yelled from the living room.

"I got it." Reid said, reaching into a cupboard and pulling out a bag of popcorn, stuffing it into the microwave while Luke grabbed out a bowl and sat it on the counter.

"Have I told you that I love you?" Luke wrapped his arms around Reid's waist.

"Not today you haven't." Reid smirked before leaning in and kissing him, "Why?"

"Well, you volunteered to babysit Nat and Ethan for my mom. You've never done that before."

"See, I can surprise you every day."

Luke laughed and was about to reply when Reid's phone started ringing. He checked and handed it off to Luke, "It's your mother."

"Hey Mom, it's Luke." Luke answered, "Really, are you sure? ...Okay, yeah... No problem.... I'm sure Reid won't mind... Yeah, yeah... Good... Love you too, bye." he hung up, "We're stuck with them for the night. Storms where she is, she can't flight out until morning."

Reid shrugged, "Guess whatever you were thinking about when on your way home will have to wait."

"How did you know I was thinking about something?"

Reid looked at him, "Because I know you Snyder."

"Was that Mom?" Natalie walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, you're stuck here for the night, is that okay with you?" Luke looked down at her.

She smiled, "As long as Reid reads us a bedtime story."

"Of course he will." Luke looked at his boyfriend with a smirk.

"Sure, I'll read one of those fairy tales and add my own little twist to it like I always do." Reid shrugged, handing Natalie the bowl of popcorn.

"Cool." Natalie went back into the living room and told Ethan.

"I'm afraid to ask." Luke shook his head while laughing.

An hour later, Luke was cleaning up the living room and kitchen while Reid was tucking Natalie and Ethan into bed and reading them Sleeping Beauty, with his own little twist to the story. When he was finished cleaning, Luke collapsed on the couch and waited for Reid. He flipped through the channels of the TV, keeping it muted, know he and Reid were not going to be staying out there for much longer after Natalie and Ethan were actually asleep. Sure, they weren't actually going to do anything with them in the apartment, but that was not going to stop them from making out and heading the bed, even if there was no sex involved.

How wrong he had been. Reid had locked them in their bathroom and they took a shower, with some sex mixed in before they curled up with each other in bed for the night. It had been a quick think in the shower because Natalie and Ethan were light sleepers and it didn't help that they were all hyped up on sugar for the night. Luke knew they were not going to be sleeping for long and before they knew it, they would be crawling into the bed with them to have a little nighttime chat.

That was what happened, just a little after one in the morning. Luke was the first one to hear the bedroom door creak open and the pattering of feet across the room. He then felt Natalie and Ethan climbing onto the bed. Natalie behind him and Ethan behind Reid for the two of them were spooned up chest to chest in the middle of the bed, wrapped in each others arms.

"Luke, we can't sleep anymore." Natalie whispered

"Yeah, me either." he said, rolling onto his back, untangling himself from Reid to wrap an arm around his sister, who laid down, her head on his shoulder.

Ethan leaned on Reid, who mumbled something none of them understood and his eyes popped open.

"Please tell me I'm dreaming."

"Nope, sorry." Luke looked at him, "Time to wake up."

Reid groaned but rolled, careful not to knock Ethan off the bed. Ethan then climbed over him and settled between him and Luke. Reid propped himself up onto his arm, facing Luke and his siblings.

"What is tonight's discussion going to be about?" he asked

"Where are you and Luke going this weekend?" Natalie asked

"Away." Reid replied

Natalie rolled her eyes, "Thank you, Captain Obvious."

"You're welcome." he smirked

"Why are you going away?" Ethan asked

"So we're not bugged by anyone for a couple of days and we can be alone." Reid told him.

"We're not bugging you." Ethan stated, "Can we come too?"

Luke laughed, "Sorry buddy, you're staying with Mom and Dad this weekend."

Ethan frowned, "Oh."

"We promise to take lots of pictures and bring you both something back." Reid said, not liking any of the younger Snyder's (Luke or younger, except maybe Faith) to cry or frown or be upset.

Ethan's smile was back after that. An hour and a half later and Luke was returning to the room and collapsing on the bed, curling himself into Reid, who seemed to already be back to sleep again.

"They sleeping?" he mumbled, before kissing Luke's neck.

"Uh huh." Luke replied, closing his eyes, "No more sugar when they sleep over."

"Good plan."

They tangled themselves back up with each other and fell back to sleep then.
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