Dearest "Ultimate" Loki, No offense to the God of Mischief. But it doesn't seem wise to not be wearing armor, KNOWING Thor will eventually show up. Next time your in the room with no doors for 300 years you should contemplate the need for more physical protection. Love, Me
"The books you read in class always seem to have some strong connection with whatever angsty adolescent drama’s going on. Except for Huckleberry Finn… Cuz I don’t know any teenage boys who have ever run away with a big hulking black guy.” ~Easy A
"Like an old friend. A dear, beloved old friend that you were going to stab through the eye, open up at the gut and consume by handfuls while drinking his blood. That was the Proper way to treat friends. It was and honor." ~Padan Fain (*The Wheel Of Time: Towers Of Midnight*)