Do babies have music preference?

Aug 21, 2007 10:42

It seems to be the "professional" opinion that babies be exposed to classical music to help their development. Does it have to be Vivaldi, Mozart and Beethoven stuff only?

I have a 16-mth old niece (known as The Chomps) in whom I have inculcated a love of classics all right ... classic rock. Ever since she was brought home from the hospital, she had been bombarded with a variety of auditory stimuli, thanks to various neighbours' home construction projects. And her aunt's insidious influence, of course.

The Chomps lack of problems with loud or sudden noises is clearly demonstrated on the day of her cukur jambul; she slept right through the loud percussive music celebrating the occasion (where many other 8-mth old would be screaming their heads off due to the loud beats). Fortunately this blaseness is not due to impaired hearing.

Now a toddler, she demonstrates a love of nearly all kinds of music. Music video fascinates her; all those faces and movements are hugely entertaining to her. Except La Lohan, who appears to freak her out (I'm with you on that, Chomps!).

Yesterday, while hanging out in front of the TV with my Mom, she indicated for Mom to change the TV channel. Obligingly, my Mom changed the channel to a satellite radio channel popular in the country, The Chomps was not happy until my Mom changed the channel to the Classic Rock station, whereupon she settled down and napped.

Good thing that Grandma is tolerant to all kinds of music.

the chomps, music, family

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