Feb 22, 2007 21:38
If I had a muse I'd shake her like a bitch. Okay, it's not entirely her fault. I was so excited for dw_slash's FUF and I had three reasonably decent fic ideas to pursue. Only one has borne fruit that, in my opinion, isn't fit to lay rotting at the bottom of my refrigerator. You know - is that a pear or an ancient mango?
When the theme for FUF07 was proposed (doubles, dopplegangers, alternate universe duplicates, etc.) I was excited for the challenge.
Sadly I was unaware at the time that my own February was about to be royally F'd up. I'll spare anyone taking the time to read this the gory details, save that I am composing a theme song for my new pill regimen that I call 'Circus of Medication'.
So, seeing as how I am trapped in a tornado of angst it stands to reason that my attempts at creative writing will be in a similar vein.
But I don't want them to be! I wanted fun - Porny fun!
What I have is either Porn, which doesn't do any of the characters justice, but does allow me to imagine them naked. Or angst, in which some of the characters may or may not be naked, but they are in emotional turmoil...and kind of out of character.
I don't know if I should try to salvage one or more of the fics or scrap all three and just write the crackfic I had in mind in the first place - cuz after all, I am frackin' crazy. Not shave my own head and get a tattoo crazy, mind you. That's just nuts.