It's pissing down out there...

Jan 01, 2003 13:34

Nice easy shift, apart from the getting-up-for-eight part.

Nice easy shift, read a lot of my book. I was supposed to be meeting up with Bingle and the guys afterwards for lunch, but they either can't make it or can't be arsed, 'cos they cancelled on me this morning. Which means I have another day with absolutely bugger all to do. Yay.

So, out comes the revision soon. Can't wait until term starts and I can get these damn exams out of the way... which leads me onto the resolution I forgot.
(6) Go to all my lectures!
It'll make revision a damn sight easier if I've got all the notes, that's for sure...

I wonder how the party was last night. It'll be typical if it was actually a good laugh for once, I guess. Oh well, down to the books now, no more excuses...

Signing off now
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