Happy New Year...

Jan 01, 2003 00:51

I can see this year shaping up to be just like the last one already...

I went to work from 5-8, came back home then went down the pub to meet my sister. I had a pint there, then realised that sitting in a too-hot pub I don't like with people I don't know drinkin crap beer was not actually my idea of fun, so I came home again.

Half an hour later my parents went out and I sat watching tv for an hour.

My parents came back at 11, then we all sat and watched tv until the new year started. I started joking with my dad, but he ended up giving me a lecture on good fiscal practice, ie/ don't come back from Uni broke at the end of next term. He basically spent ten minutes telling me all the mistakes I made last term and not to make them again, despite the fact that I've already sat down and worked out where I went wrong and resolved not to do so again.

Now I'm sitting typing into my livejournal, which basically means I'm talking to myself but recording it for posterity.

So, New Year's Resolutions. Wonder how many VERY similar lists there are like this around today...

(1) Lose weight,
(2) Budget better,
(3) Get out of debt,
(4) Find a girlfriend, and, after I've managed number (1)...
(5) Get a tribal dragon tattooed on my shoulder.

So far I've not broken any of them! Woohoo!

Can't see them all lasting long, though. Guess that's resolutions for you.

Signing off now
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