Apr 20, 2007 18:07
Some lame points of my life in the past two days:
1. Leaving the house only to buy things and return heavily overdue library books (in fairness: fairly long walks. I've walked at least an hour and a half each yesterday and today.)
2. Leaving my bed and laptop only to eat, shower and take aforementioned walks.
3. Consequent to #1, discovering I have $110 owing in library fees. One hundred and ten dollars. How does a fine even get that big without me being contacted by the library? I had ONE letter and NO phone calls OR emails (they say they sent me emails, but: they did not, I check my email daily AND the spam filter too.) I know I should have returned the books and all, but -- $110! The thing that really scares me is, they could have passed it on to a debt collection agency in a week and I wouldn't have fucking known. That shit affects your credit rating. I'm real uncomfortable with that.
4. Having walked home past two supermarkets and a half-dozen dairies, determined to cook a real dinner tonight, and defrosting casserole meat only to discover that I don't have any canned tomatoes (or fresh, for that matter) in the house, DESPITE my already knowing that and forgetting to pick some up on the way home.
5. Pursuant to #4, deciding to have extremely disgusting cereal for dinner instead of walking to the supermarket a mere 10 minute walk away.
6. Having to actually load my google homepage to figure out what date it was to check the milk date.
7. Finding out the milk was three days old (and I definitely drank it yesterday, but it didn't smell funny so I think it was probably fine. Smelt a bit funky today though.)
8. Instead of going out to buy some milk and, hey, some tomatoes, deciding to eat cereal with yoghurt. (in my defense! Plain unsweeted acidophilos yoghurt! Practically better than milk, apart from all that fat!)
I really wonder sometimes, you know?
i lost my soul