(no subject)

Oct 23, 2008 23:07

People were handing out lollipops today with random science facts attached, shouting at people and flapping their arms.  I was amused at what I assumed was some sort of sorority/fraternity gig (give us money so we can buy diamond studded genital piercings...ask me about this one, it's a good story all its own) until they handed the table next to me lollipops, smiling and greeting them with a friendly "HAPPY MOLE DAY!"

Everything clicked.

Avogadro's number.


23 October

I smiled and when they came to me and gave me lollipops asked them if that's what they were celebrating.  They clapped and smiled and congratulated my smartness and then asked how I knew.

I smiled and told them good highschool friends.

They were perplexed, but shrugged and went on their merry way.

I'm not sure whether it reminded me more of Duney or Jenny, but either way it was a nice moment.

In other news, doctor's have agreed I'm broke.  Not much else.  See neurologist on Wednesday...not holding my breath.

I apparently only really need three more credits (9 hours) to graduate...though this doesn't, under any circumstances, match up with my numerical count.  Which is exciting and terrifying.  I'm going to take some education courses next semester...maybe...and probably, initially, start out with the 5 year master program they offer (I already have a great deal of cross listed credits that work for it) but I really am looking forward to going far far away after that...or at least moderately away, with a master's and ed courses I can get jobs at comm colleges and even some private universities, which may be fun...this just seems way to real.


I also wrote what I think is my favorite paper ever. Seven pages on the form and visual structure of Pound's "In a Station of the Metro" as evidence for the piece's classification as Modern.
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