My Small Group is dear to me

Apr 12, 2009 19:31

My friends are special to me, and I don't really express it enough because of sort of shy when it comes to affection, hence that's what the internets for, to get personal by impersonal means ( hey I have intimacy issues ok? it must come in stages...) I want to talk about how each of you guys have been awesome in my life. Hey if I forgot someone, someone please mail me and gently pour ice water on my face and flog me in private...

James- I love the way you worship.  I brings much life and joy in it as it ought to have.  I think that you have turned the worship ministry around into something that is much more personal and reflective of how worship ought to be.

Alvin- you're genuine and loyal, and just a great person in general.  Always making people feel comfortable and truly appreciate each person despite their flaws.I'm so glad I met you ten years ago, what a pricelss thing to have a friend for that long, our friendship is pretty priceless to me.

Adrienne- So helpful in trying to get me go to BSF, only I'm so exhausted every monday because of sat and sun with church activities, and  end up sleeping all day on monday.  You have  a willing heart to seek God even though you recognize that the flesh is weak.  I really enjoy getting to know you better in small group since I didn't get a chance in ROCK.

JACKIE- You're life of energy, always having a great sense of humor and spirit, and never taking life too seriously.  So persistent and diligent in getting us to go to retreat, I've enjoyed getting to know you better too.

Katie- I'm so glad you're my group leader, since I didn't get to talk to you at all in Rock.  You  have a genuine heart to do God's will even though you struggle with your flesh. I really appreciate your sensitivity and your accurate point of views that you have. Always helpful and extremely considerate, and a great listener.  I've really appreciated your empathy and sympathy in days when I just feel completely retarded.  What a blessing it is that I ended up in your group and got to know you.

John Wang- You have such a big heart John, and I think that you are genuine and loving, and there's nothing put on about you.  If the Lord is willing, you will make a great pastor, and I'm very happy that things in life seem to be looking up for you with your job and possible new career.

Diane- I appreciate how friendly you were to me at the girls pot luck at the Lees.  I just remembered that when I'm around all girls, my immediate reflex reaction is to stop talking and be on my guard, But you were so friendly and hospitable that it was really nice to have a warm welcome after being gone for so long.  We need more people like you.

Crystal- You're so sweet and gentle Crystal.  When I talk about how I'm going to art walks alone, you sympathize with me and it's so cool.  I love your sensitivity and your purity.  I sometimes feel constricted with pastor's kids because I feel that they might judge me since I"m not holy enough, but I feel so comfortable with you purly because you are warm and welcoming.  I appreciate how real you are and I love your pureness.

Chris- You see me at my worst and you still talk to me! I don't make much of an effort to really hide who I am, and that includes when I'm upset.  You're so paitent and accepting of loving people just as they are, I love that about you so much.  Also you have been so kind to help me with adobe.... I wish we'd see you more consistently instead of losing you to work, we miss you...

Ken-  A man of few words, I love your meekness, and how you don't judge me when I ask stupid questions like ( how are films made and how much money does it take?)  I love the fact that you're now in my group and all these years in ROCKS, we have trade a few words here and there, and now finally I get to dig deeper into all the treasures within Ken.

Michael- I appreciate your sensitivity so much.  I was so upset over the whole kaleo mail thing and your mail to me really really helped alot.  I can tell that you really do put people's needs above your own as it says in the bible.  You don't know what that letter did to me, I was beginning to feel like I needed to leave Kaleo, what a difference you made with you taking the time and consoling me, what a precious thing you did thank you...

Jonas- How lucky I am to have someone that care enough about me to tease me when I'm crying, and to tell me jokes over IM when I'm in pain.  My real brother and I don't speak, and I longed for someone to be a brother to me and to tease me and give me a hard time when I electrocute myself.  How bless I am to have someone to ground me to reality everytime when I think of myself cooler than I am.  It's so nice to have a brain to put me in my place whenever I need it.  It's so nice to have someone that answers all my endless questions including difficult ones like how do I swtich internet from one computer to another, and someone watching out for the safety of my fingers by grounding me to the reality of my inept electronic skills.  Seriously, everyone should have a Jonas in their life, because it's a necessity.

Huey- I love how real you are, and how just by being yourself you amuse me and people endlessly.  I love how you genuinely care for people and there's not an ill will within you.  I love how you heart goes out to people when you hear their stories and how you really put yourself in their shoes and empathize. Most of all I love how humble and non judgemental you are.  There's no pretense in you and you are transparent to your bro and sis about your questions and concerns and truly striving to do God's will. I've known you for 10 yrs also,  and that's really priceless in my book.

Kevin- I appreciate your honesty, even though sometimes that means you have to admit to things about yourself that is not very flattering.  I appreciate how you accept people for the way they are, but we miss you and wish you were with us more:(

tony-  I love seeing you smile! It's great to see you happy.  I've always quietly noticed you  10 yrs ago when I first came to FCBC,even when you first came to the church.  I remember seeing a really meek, quiet man that has endured and really had the fruit of long suffering.  A humble soul that is full of intergrity.  I love seeing Renee in your life and making you smile, and I love  your pippin impressions.  I love hearing yo preach because I feel that you are truly someone that has walked the walk and not just talk the talk. I have great respect for you, and I love seeing your crach up.

Howard- I love how I can just be myself around you and not feel judged.  I like how down to earth you are and you just take life and people with a grain of salt.  I wish we saw you more.

Jay-  I think if I didn't have you in my life there would be alot of things that are missing.  My life would be totally different.  I might be dead.  I can't even just use words to describe how much you mean to me and how happy I am to have you in my life.  I was very sad for a long time that it just seemed like our lives were growing apart and we didn't have an opproutnity to hang out anymore, and I'm really happy that God worked that out and you're in my small group.  I don't know if I would be alive if I hadn't met you.  You helped me survive through many nights of tears, insecurities and suicidal thoughts. You were one of the first friends I had in rock and it was truly through our friendship which gave me the confidence to make other friends in rock, and honestly the same thing happened in KALEO.  I don't think I would have opened up in kaleo the way I did if you weren't in my small group.  Just your presence there gave me a safety net, it was as if I didn't even consciously realize this but just your presence there made me feel safe and not judged or rejected because that's always how you've made me feel in life in general.  When I trapped in my  world of self hate, you always find the time to pep talk me with a reality check that's both honest and  true.  10 yrs of a friendship is more than priceless to me, and you truly mean alot to me. I'm really happy that you and Laura found each other and accept me with my flaws and all.
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