Apr 10, 2009 08:14
Spend another 2 hours today on tech support, basically I was me tellng the guy that I don't need help over the phone, because I've already spend 4 hours trying to get my printer to print, I just need someone to fix it for me. I feel bad for the guy, because I was so mad I was yelling and cursing, but it wasn't his fault. It's the frustration of totally 6 hrs on tech support trying to get my printer to print, and after 6 hours finally getting them to send me a new one. Would have just been 4 hrs, if the last 2 phone operators would just listen and trust me and just send me a new one.
This is what I live for in life. My family, my friends, God and art. That's all, everything else is just headaches, that is not worth while. I love my family, friends and God. They are super important and essential to my survival, and without them I don't have a reason to stay alive. Art is what inspires me. When I say art, it's anything from a good song, or a good film, to an awesome light fixture to a beautiful dress. It's very broad. Some people live for food, others live for extreme sports, art is where I get my high. A good painting that I make comes to life after 3/4 of the process in it. It's like a kid of my own. After you give birth to it, it has a life of it's own, and it grows and it surprises you.
I'm going to write a one man play this year, and hopefully perform it later this year in my church, and all of next year at the Art fest in santa ana. I can't tell you have inspired and absolutely drenched in love, beauty and creativity I am for this project. I'm waitng for someone to revive my harddrive mean while I get to paint everyday, which is a dream come true.
When I get to do what I love, like performing, painting, filming, knitting, I can't tell you have happy I am, how satisfied. My inner being is utterly serene, and if you know me even a little bit, you would know that i"m so high strung that being serene is such a different version of me. When I"m by myself painting at night, the phone is not ringing, and there's no other demand for my attention but to paint. With a good film playing in the background and my computer on, my insides smile when I paint. I'm actually giddy and in love. That's how happy I am. I knit in my bed sometimes while I have a really good film on the screen, and i'm utterly in my own heaven on earth. The love and warmth inside of me cuddles me as I purl and knit. My mind wanders from God, to my next idea or a painting, or a new melody I'm inventing. It's just me, my art and my mind, and it's just plain fantastic. This is my high...and I get very high... very very High. Now do you understand why I'm an Alice Addict? becuase it gives me one of the best highs I've ever experience. since my hysterectomy, I've had morphine in my system, but other than that, I've never ever done drugs. I don't need to, since I already know what i's like to be in the highest of highs, that's why I'm an addict, an Alice Addict.