A Brief History of Fiori

Jul 06, 2007 22:41

    Margherita was once a place of misery.  The country was constantly in chaos with the fighting governments and the poverty that befell the cities within it.  One city in particular was known as the Hell of Margherita thanks to the political powers that controlled it.  Since it was near the outskirts of the country, the central government decided that it was not important to watch, so they left it abandoned, the citizens having to fend for themselves.  Eventually, the chaos got to the point where many of the people living there could not bear it and decided that fleeing was the best option in order to spare their sanity - and their lives.  Though there were those who died while trying to run away, there were many more who survived.  Not too long after, they found a simple patch of land, speckled with trees and a wide river, near the center of Margherita.  They decided that this would be the area where they'd build their haven.

On the day the city of Fiori was created, the people had hoped for a town free of the careless government they'd had previously.  They'd hoped for a city filled with flowers and beauty and peace.  That day, the people worked hard for a town that would befit the city's name.  The citizens adopted the motto "The people prosper, the city prospers" in order to boost their morale and their drive.

This took place a century ago.

During the years that have passed, the city did indeed prosper and grow.  But as many cities, there was a huge gap that grew between the haves and the have nots.  The rich, unfortunately, were very brutal in their methods of obtaining money...  Soon, they started to control the citizens of Fiori, coercing them into various jobs in order to earn a few shiny pennies more.  The lesser fortunate decided that setting up a simple government would crush the rich families; much to their dismay, they realized it was too late.  The wealthy soon became the real leaders of the city.  Thanks to fragile egos and overactive tempers, the wealthy families were soon whittled down to just five.

These families were smart.  Observation and good ears had taught them how to manipulate the cities around them.  They easily slipped into trading, the business therein, and - of course- illegal activity.  Fiori soon became intensely prosperous; one of the richest cities in Margherita!  Unfortunately, it was also considered one of the most dangerous.  The security was weak for those not under the protection of the dons.  The police force had no control.

No, it was the families that had it.  They held the power of Fiori - perhaps even the whole of Margherita - with a steel fist and a bullet to those who opposed their reign.

The five families: Rosso, Viola, Bianco, Giallo, and Nero.

Currently, these five superpowers are neutral with one another.  They let each gang control their businesses, their affairs; and every month, they have a meeting.  If only to make sure that no one's stepping on anyone's toes.  To keep the "peace," as it were.

But as history has shown us, peace does not last long.  Not in this city.

"The people prosper, the city prospers.  The city prospers, the families rule."

mod post ho!

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