Family Summaries

Jul 06, 2007 18:22

Bianco. White. Purity.  This color symbolizes all that is good in the world; innocent and virtuous.  At least, that's what most people believe.  But not the residents of Fiori.  In fact, the citizens have seen what the shade of "white" has done to their city thanks to the don, Rufus Shinra, and his family, the Bianco gang.  They have torn apart the symbolism and replaced it with their own.

Everything about the Bianco family is business.  The previous don started the framework of making a profitable family, but when he was assassinated, Rufus Shinra took over and twisted that framework into a large profitable machine.  He owns several businesses in Fiori, from casinos (his main moneymaker and the main business of his family) to restaurants and even down to that little bakery you visit every Sunday.  There are also rumors floating about that the law enforcements are under his control as well, but the only ones who knows whether such words are true are the family members of Bianco themselves.

Giallo: an Italian 20th century genre of literature and film--crime fiction, horror fiction and eroticism; also the Italian word for yellow.

Giallo films are characterized by extended murder sequences featuring extensive bloodletting and unusual musical arrangements; they also include liberal amounts of nudity and sex. Giallo films typically introduce strong psychological themes of madness, alienation and paranoia.  It is appropriate then that the Giallo family shares their name with such a brutal grouping of sexploitation and horror crime films: most of the members have been alienated from society.  The most recent don of the family has actually adopted the defining characteristics of these films and made them part of their traditions and legacy.

Things like playing oddly arranged classical music while torturing their victims and bloodletting have become their trademarks; so says the rare victim they leave alive. Most of the prey they leave alive either go mad and kill themselves or are extremely paranoid that the don herself will come for them.

Not much is known about Larxene, head of the family, besides the fact that she is the first female don of the family and the only child of the last don. She is spoiled rotten and throws tantrums when things don't go her way, which often result in a rise in the number of deaths in the city. And of course, like with any of the dons, there are whispers. Most that focus on her, tell of her being legitimately crazy...

And most of those rumors are not too far off.

Nero, the Italian word for black.  Shade of night, of death, of destruction.

If ever there was a family that was a master of the underhanded, it would be the Nero family.  They are the nightstalkers.  Each member of this particular family have been trained to kill from the shadows, in secret, with everything and anything from poisons to pistols.  They have been known to sneak quietly up on their chosen targets and leave little to no trace of their involvement.  This is, perhaps, one of the reasons the Nero family has earned the reputation of being the "revenge" family, the mafia gang most sought after for evening out the score.  Of course, it's not helped by the fact that their family motto is "nemo me impune laccessit", which means "No one harms me unpunished."

Even though Nero is a family dedicated to working in secret, in ways unbeknownst even to each other, the family is fiercely loyal to itself.  Otherwise, the family would crumble under the pressures of paranoia, fearing a betrayal at every turn.

At the family's head sits Vincent Valentine, a man known to most as "The Bloody Valentine."  Like every don, his history is cloaked in a thick sheet of shadow, with the only true fact known about this mafia head being that he's the youngest Don of the family, a mere 27 years of age.

In Italian, Rosso is the word for red.

Crimson: a deep reddish hue, often used to describe the color of blood.   Bloodshed.  And this family has seen enough of it.  Arguably the most violent and cutthroat of all the families, the Rosso family is responsible for some of the most brutal, henious and disgusting crimes committed in Fiori.  They've earned their reputation as monsters through their desire for flesh and the splash of red.  Just like their name.  They lust for the taste of gore.

The family is headed by the last blood relative of the original Rosso don, Axel.  He's lived up to his father's legacy of using brute force to run the city, cutting fear deep into even the hardest of police hearts.  The most horrific of murders he saves for those that betray his family, choosing torture over instant death in order to pull information from the traitors.  It's been reported that he'll let the pain go on for days at a time until his victim either dies, or cracks and feeds him the facts Axel desires.  And even if the former happens, he finds a way to revive them in order to continue the agony.

Not much in the way of personal information known about this head of the family, but one thing is for certain: he believes that this is his town.

Viola: Italian for purple, the color of royalty, of beauty.

And a royally beautiful sight it is to behold: massive gardens stretching on for seeming miles before it finally bumps up to the Viola house door.  Much like the outside, this family is concerned with looks, with grace and form; yet just like the other crime families, their home is splattered with blood.  The members of Viola are known for executing out their plans - and their victims - with dignity, and a big bang.

The current don is Marluxia Viola, known for his adoration of the garden flowers; of their beauty, and their potent contents therein.  Do not, however, make the mistake of taking this man lightly.  Many before have stumbled on their path and have suffered at his man's beautiful hands.  Especially those who fall too far into their business: drugs.

It's perhaps no surprise that in their eternal gardens there are the specific plants needed to fuel their business.  Not only are these drugs grown in his own garden, but also in crop fields across the country of Margherita, as Marluxia has built himself an equally massive drug empire, driven ever onward by the desperate cries of the lowlives that depend on their one "last" hit.
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