I would love to adopt some of them. I've got a tank with filter that can be inside for the time being and it would give me the impetus to get the pond put back together.
Excellent! We should work out a time for you to come pick some out. I'm working this Saturday but will be around during the evening all this week and on Sunday during the day. If you want to come by on Friday night there will be folks over merrily dissecting owl pellets, which strikes me as an activity you would enjoy. :)
Darn. I'd love to dissect owl pellets, but I'm going to a Balinese Gamelan performance Friday evening. Sunday afternoon would be good though. I have to attend a concert that will be over at about 4:00 or 4:30, but if after that works for you I could come then.
Sunday afternoon will be fine. Do you have our address? Several of Scot's colleagues are interested in fish but I would rather that folks in our social network get first pick. How many are you interested in and were there particular colors (or maybe you wanted all black?) or sizes you wanted?
No, I don't have your address. If you'd like to email rather than post it, my email is vwright at mindspring dot com. Since the ultimate colors are completely indeterminate any colors are fine, although it might be fun to go with all black to document the results. Maybe 10 of any size?
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