Feb 26, 2007 20:30
Just in case anyone is interested, here are the first half of the list of ideas from the Love Life, Live Lent booklet :)
1. Make someone laugh
2. Go to a party!
3. Spend some time in silence
4. Have meat-free day
5. Give up your place to someone who is in a rush, e.g. in traffic or a shop queue
6. Write to someone and thank them
7. Light a candle and pray for someone
8. Give someone an apple
9. Have a TV-free day and do something you have meant to do for ages
10. Turn off the tap when you clean your teeth
11. Go for a walk in your neighbourhood with a friend
12. Say something nice about someone behind their back
13. Feed the birds
14. Talk to someone new at church
15. Phone or text someone to say goodnight
16. Use local shops rather than supermarkets
17. Put on a jumper then turn down the heat in your house
18. Buy a low-energy light bulb
19. Leave a £1 coin in the shopping trolley or where someone will find it
20. Find out abouta litter walk or clean up
21. Watch the news and pray about what you see