This is the dining room where we eat all of our meals (always with [
this cart] by Madame's side, it all seems quite formal). I sit at the spot that (I think) Americans consider the head of the table, but it's not here.
- A tragedy occurred last Friday when I lost my umbrella in a bar. It wasn't a particularly note-worthy umbrella aside from the fact it had been my trusty friend in the rain for almost eight years; I was absolutely heartbroken. Luckily, it was quite sunny on Saturday when I returned to the centre-ville to buy another. It would have been an insult to my umbrella's memory to replace it with a 5 € one from H&M (which, incidentally, don't work all that well) and the next cheapest one I could find was 19 € in the Galaries Lafayette. A bit excessive, I realize, so I better use this one for the rest of my life.
- Last Saturday for lunch we had a duck dish which was the most delicious thing. I generally am not a huge fan of duck because they're so cute but if it's done like this, I say screw them - I want to eat. I know some people who swear that the Rosemary Chicken at Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen in Downtown Disney will change your life, but no, that honor is reserved for this duck. Also very delicious: Monsieur cooked a beef dish yesterday. Mmm... cow.
- Perhaps it was wishful thinking, but I had thought my listening comprehension had improved at least slightly in the last week I've lived with the Prévôt-Leygonies. However, we had our language test today and now I know how truly terrible my knowledge of French truly is, even after a week of practicing.
- I tried unpacking and cleaning/arranging [
my] [
room] on Saturday, but I didn't do very well.
- Today after our language examination, Vanessa, Lacey, and I went to the centre-ville and found a little café off the main street. We ordered the lunch special and I can't remember the names of everything, but it was amazing. Their onion quiche/tart thing was so good. The wine included in the special was terrible, but otherwise it was the very good, French café meal I'd been craving for a long time.
- Today, we decided that Paris next week is a go. Yay \o/ I'm even more excited because we just watched Ratatouille on Saturday. And apparently, they're saying that the [
Mona Lisa really is Lisa del Giocondo].
- Yesterday, my host parents left to visit their siblings in... a place I forgot the name of. Their daughter came later on and we had dinner in front of the TV and our computers. Even though it was so informal, we still did the whole "main course » cheese » dessert » fruit" process. The French eat so well. American meals suck.
- Aside from all the school-related matters, I'm beginning to love living here. I can't believe I've been living in this place for a week - or that I've been in France for two.
- I'm still putting off homework right now.