Feb 25, 2008 19:52
This trip I like to call "Linnea is a stupid mofo." GO LINNEA!
First and foremost, I was VERY lucky today. Today one of my coworkers offered to give me a ride down to the green line, which should have absolutely guaranteed me an early arrival to the library tonight. Everything was going well! I got dropped off at Lake and Ashland at 4:53, and as I was climbing the million, gazillion stairs, the speaker said that an outbound train from the loop would be arriving shortly. As that was the train I was fixin' to get on, I hustled my booty up the stairs and hustled that same booty up and over the tracks to the outbound side of the world. Well, as you can imagine, the train was already pulling up as I was coming down the stairs, so I just slid in and sat down.
*Be prepared for sheer idiocy.*
Yeah... about that. I didn't even NOTICE until we were approaching 18th Street that I had NOT gotten on the green line as I had assumed, but rather I was on the pink line heading to god knows where! (This is NOT how I wanted my first pink line experience to go, by the way.) Lucky for me, I heard the train voice say that we were heading into 18th street and I hightailed it off the train, down the stairs, and then UP the stairs to the other side of the track just in time to catch the inbound pink line train to try the whole shebang again. Yup. I went back to Lake and Ashland, climbed the stairs, ran down the stairs, and CHECKED before I pushed my way onto a green line train that was overcrowded and got me to work a SAD, PATHETIC eight minutes late. I, ladies and gents, am an idiot.
*Also - the weather is looking nasty tonight, which pretty much means that getting home tonight and to school tomorrow is going to be a bitch and a half. GO mother nature. Youz the (wo)man! ...or a beeyatch. I can't really make that call right now.