Signs that it's time to start drinking caffine in the morning...

Feb 20, 2008 10:49

A little overview about my daily commute... I'm one who gets bored easily, so I like to have options. Options that I like to leave up to fate. That means that I have figured out no less than ten ways to get to work each morning, and I just let fate show me which way to go. Today was what I like to call a "Walk, Bus, L, L, L, Bus, Walk" day. Yes. That means that I actually transferred four times today from point A to point B. There is part of me that really enjoys a four transfer day because that just means I am really ABUSING my monthly pass to an excessive degree. Ah. Money well spent.

So here's the skinny on why I need to start liking coffee pronto:

Picture me on the bus. I haven't been on more than a few minutes as this bus ride is just a little over a mile (but trust me, in the Chicago winter a mile can feel like forever if you're walking in the wind!) so I never start reading or anything since I know I'm getting off in five stops. I can't tell you what the hell was going on in my mind as I don't recall ANYTHING going on in my mind this morning... I'm going to assert that I blacked out this morning. I was just sitting there, NOT getting off at my stop like I should have. If it hadn't been for that man running in front of the bus, thus delaying the bus driver and allowing me to realize I was at my stop and disembark,  I would have completely missed my stop and had a minor panic attack. THANKS MAN RUNNING IN FRONT OF THE BUS! I certainly feel that this is a karmic situation as I've often scoffed at the LOSERS that forget to get off at their stop until the bus is about to leave... well who's scoffing now? Not me, I'll tell you that much! And to add insult to injury, I had ten more steps to climb when my train took off. Yup. If I hadn't "blacked out" I would have made a train right away, thus reducing my travel time by over ten minutes. But alas, it was not to be.

Now, that was certainly embarrassing enough that I should have had no further blackouts right? Well... apparently not. I transferred from the green to the brown line like clockwork this morning, and then took out my book and settled in. Yeah.... well I must have REALLY settled in because the next thing I know a CTA employee is yelling "This train is no longer in service!" at me and I have to be escorted off the car. I'm going to liken the color of my face to that of a tomato. Having to get out and stand with the rest of the commuters that you just delayed is really no fun at all, let me tell you. Once again, lucky little Irish lass that I am, a red line pulled up a minute later and I rushed on and hid my shame.

I have no idea what my problem was this morning ladies and gentlemen, but I'm voting for an injection of "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" to be put in me from this day on in hopes that I don't make a complete fool of myself anymore.

Ah, just another 52 minute (Now THAT'S fast!) morning commute!
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