still not king.

Jul 19, 2006 17:34

I called my apartment complex to see when we could get the keys on friday so that I could then schedule our cable company to do the swap. Spoke to our contact who told us she can't give us keys until the office manager comes through and assesses damage done to the apartment and what will be deducted from our security deposit.

1. Hello, it's not like we're moving far away.

2. We had my room, the kitchen, and the bathroom all flood from our upstairs neighbors at various points in time.

3. We had a break-in in November.

4. Wouldn't it be easier for us to clean and for them to assess damage if our stuff was not in their way.

I'm kind of confused. Don't most places figure out security deposit stuff AFTER you have moved out? Isn't that how that works normally? I might call tomorrow morning and see what's up with that. As it stands now, we're going to continue packing and continue cleaning and then get keys on Tuesday. Our big move will now be not this weekend but next.

Anyone near us have any boxes they want to give us? I had talked to our local pharmacy about boxes, but forgot to call this morning so they'd gotten rid of all their boxes. Guess I'll call around and see what people have. Maybe I can pick some up tomorrow. Bah. Now I'm cranky.

Natalie curled up in my laptop case makes me uncranky.

jerks, waaah, no keys for me, fret, poop, cats are cute, fuss, blueberry pancakes, whinge, bitch, soooo hot

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