
Jul 17, 2006 19:49

I don't know how many people knew, but T and I have been unhappy in our apartment. We have shrieking children behind us, we've been robbed, and a boiler has errupted beneath us. Our complex has been taken over by new management, and they rock, but this apartment - while lovely in size - is just filled with ugh. And our lease expires. on the 31st of this month.

So on friday i looked at a different apartment in a different building in our complex. And on saturday terri and i looked at it again. And we're taking it. So we're going to sign the new lease on friday, and then spend this weekend through the following weekend carting our stuff across the road and up three flights of stairs.

This is our next step in our plan to some day perhaps be home owners. If we can keep our new apartment reasonably clean and clutter free, if we can get ourselves organized around where things go and why we own them and find book to store our photos and other memories, if we can do all that, perhaps we can be in a space to move into a house and not fill it with wall to wall junk.

I say this quite seriously and with much fear. If left to my own devices I could see myself becoming one of those hoarders who has no room because they have 20 gajillion newspapers that have never been read "just in case" and forty two bazillion plastic spoons because i knew i would need them at some point, etc, etc. I'm looking forward to attempting to minimalize my life. I'm going to need a lot of help. So if you here a lot of whining over the next year, you know why.

If you need the new address, drop me a comment with your email address (comments are screened) and i'll give it to you. As comments are screened, feel free to give me phone numbers and addresses for your very own selves as well.

After this is done, I'm going to help soggs paint her room BRIGHT YELLOW. Anyone have a lot of yellow paint they don't want? Actually, it maybe doesn't have to be a lot, because i think two walls of yellow would be plenty. Though that's just me.

In other news, i took the thuglets bowling today. We went to northampton bowl. For those of you into bowling (and i know there are several of you, soggs, pinkpeppercorn, etc) they have some great summer deals. All you bowl for cheap on thursday and such. You should check out their specials. I did not bowl because my finger is hurting. Bug chomped me hard enough to break skin on the top and bottom of one of my fingers. Ouch.

So that is my news. I have to learn to be a grown up about money and cleanliness over the next year. All websites that you like with tips on being smart with money or smart with tidying also appreciated.

ugh, julia roberts hair a la mystic pizza, addresses, hedwig, eep, money, moving, cleaning, house, cat tails on my feet

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