Story in the Making [23/?]

Jul 18, 2014 17:06

It's been forever. I'm terrible. I'm sorry. But the next chapter shouldn't take as long and the one after that is already written because fuck order.

Previous Chapter

“How…how are you and Heehyoung-ssi doing?” Youngjae asked, doing his best to be civil as they both prepared for bed. They hardly spoke these days, much like the first time that Daehyun had been with the woman, but this time it was for a totally different reason. This time, they had the brief experience of furthering their friendship into something more and since that hadn’t worked out, they had settled back into something that was awkward and hard to bear. Youngjae truly was trying his best; he didn’t want to lose his mister.

Daehyun seemed surprised by the question. He had been in the middle of stripping his shirt when it had been posed and found himself pausing because he didn’t know quite how to respond. He let out a soft breath as he turned to face his friend, continuing the removal of his shirt. Maybe he had done it spitefully, but either way, it was hard to miss the hickeys that were placed just along the waistband of his pants, right near the vee muscle dipped down.

Youngjae’s eyes followed the lines of his best friend’s muscles, his lips parting softly as he observed the soft skin that he never had the chance to taste. It was just until his gaze dropped to Daehyun’s pants did he quickly turn away. It was impossible to mistake those marks for anything else and it was a clear enough of an answer that Youngjae understood what it was that the man was saying.

With that, Youngjae was quick to strip down to his boxers and crawl into bed, even though that wasn’t what he usually wore. He didn’t want to spend any more time than necessary staring at his friend, speaking to him or even thinking of him as it had hurt the way he had done that, with no care to Youngjae’s feelings and even if they were unclear give their uncertain relationship terms, Daehyun would have at least known that Youngjae felt something for him.

Daehyun did feel regret for what he had done. He hadn’t even said anything and could see the look on his friend’s face. He pretended that there weren’t any signs of lust; he pretended that there wasn’t any stirring in his own groin from being looked at so wantonly by his best friend, the man that he had intended to become intimate with at some point; and he was definitely pretending he hadn’t seen the utter look of pain across his best friend’s face when realizing just how well his relationship with Heehyoung was going. In truth, it wasn’t going all that great. Other than making out, he couldn’t say that he really enjoyed his time with her. She was a lovely girl, a good girl, a good woman that his family loved and that he felt was right to be with, but…she wasn’t Youngjae.

“Would you get the light?” Daehyun also pretended that he didn’t hear the strain in Youngjae’s voice that gave away the sheer effort he was expending not to cry.

It probably hurt him more to pretend than to face reality.


Youngjae usually picked the worst times to walk into a room. This time, thankfully, it wasn’t one of those times. It still wasn’t the best, but that was more because Daehyun was in the room, texting but not making any obvious show of just who it was that he was talking to. Himchan was listening to music, singing every now and again while Yongguk scribbled lyrics and erased them moments later in the usual way in which he did so. Jongup was laying on his stomach on the floor, playing some sort of game on his phone.

When the maknae noticed Youngjae walking into the room, he perked up and looked up at him excitedly, having been pouting on the opposite side of the couch that the leader sat on. “Hyung!” All five of them glance over at the maknae, looking at him curiously. Of course they would all look to the maknae. There was a soft blush on the maknae’s cheek as he realized what he had done to attract the look of the five elder males. “Young…jae-hyung.” Four of those gazes turned back to what they had been doing as the man who had just entered the room, his gaze still focused on the maknae.

He cocked his head to the side in question. “Yeah, Jundola?”

There was a bright grin on the maknae’s face still as he pushed himself up from the couch that he shared with his favorite hyung. “Can we go get ice cream? Yonggukie-hyungie said we could, but he’s busy and won’t get up.” There was a small smirk quirked on the leader’s lips as he found humor in the maknae’s statement but doesn’t dispute it.

Fifteen minutes and Youngjae was walking beside the teenager, listening to him speak of school matters and just how tiring he found working and school to be, but there wasn’t a complaint to be heard. As much as Youngjae disliked when the maknae cut out on sleep so he could instead dance, he knew that it was because of the kid’s dedication to be the best as their group name would suggest them to be.

“Why don’t you like Heehyoung-noona?” The question seemed out of the blue, and in a way, it was. There had been a lapse in silence as they entered into the ice cream parlor and the maknae took the chance to change the conversation to something that had been bothering him more and more lately.

Youngjae contemplated lying, but he was given the chance to think carefully on what he might say as the two of them each got their separate bowls, moving to sit in a somewhat secluded part of the parlor so they weren’t disturbed for any reason. As they sat, he saw the expectant look in the maknae’s eyes and he didn’t want to avoid him any longer.

“She’s…” He hesitated because he didn’t know where to start. He didn’t want to change the maknae’s views of the woman that he didn’t even know personally. There were such problems between him and his best friend that he knew he would feel guilty if it caused issues between Junhong and Daehyun as well. “I don’t think she’s right for Daehyun.” He figured that he might get away with being vague with the maknae as he had been with Daehyun the first time around. Youngjae thought it best to leave out the intimate details as he wasn’t sure how any of their friends would react to a possible relationship.

Junhong was intelligent for his age, of course. He had matured faster than most kids his age and he and Jongup were definitely mature enough to speak with their hyungs about matters that most teenagers wouldn’t be able to take seriously. Youngjae wasn’t all that more mature or elder than the two maknaes, but he had gone through the same process of maturing as they had. The maknae very well might accept the excuse and reason that Youngjae gave, but he might not, as it had been unclear even to Youngjae why he didn’t like Heehyoung for quite a while up until he and Daehyun had shared a kiss that had set everything in motion.

“Okay, hyung. I hope Daehyunnie-hyung knows what he’s doing.” The younger idol stated softly. He wasn’t stupid and he definitely knew when to back off something, especially with Youngjae who could quite very well be a bitch at the best of times. “Are you excited to go to Japan soon?”

Youngjae smiled as he was glad to have the change in conversation.


“Yo, Youngjae-ah!” Himchan approached the younger singer and slung his arm around the man’s shoulder, bringing him in close as he smiled brightly. “How would you like to come out drinking with us?! Just you, me, Bang and Daehyun-ah!”

It was such an appealing offer if Youngjae were honest with himself. It hadn’t been all that long that he had become of legal age to drink, but he certainly had had fun the few times that he had. Yongguk was usually the more responsible one, but it was always funny to watch him let loose as he got a few drinks in him and didn’t have the worry of the underage maknaes. He was a good leader and hyung.

It didn’t take long before Youngjae was shaking his head. “Nah, I’m good. I’ll stay home with the maknaes, I think.”

Just then, Daehyun stepped into the living room where Youngjae and Himchan were, dressed in skinny jeans and a black shirt that clung to his muscles in all the right way. It was near impossible to miss the longing and appreciative gaze that Youngjae directed to the elder man; but of course, Himchan was quite oblivious to matters like that.

“Jae-ah, sure you don’t want to come out with us?” Daehyun asked with a gentle smile, trying to mend the bridges that had nearly been destroyed between them over the past few months. He wanted his best friend back and it wasn’t fair that things between them had reached such a point. His gaze was alluring, trying to convince with his eyes that he wanted his Precious Boy with him as they went out.

But Youngjae couldn’t. He didn’t have it in him. He didn’t want to be so close, intoxicated, with someone that he definitely had feelings for, an attraction to despite how odd that was for him in the first place. “I’m sure, Daehyun.”

Himchan sighed and shook his head. “Your loss.” He stepped away to go check on his best friend to see if the elder man was ready.

Daehyun glanced around to see where the maknaes were. Once he noticed that the two youngest were in their room, probably talking or messing around or something as it didn’t sound like they were doing homework since there were no annoyed groans coming from the closed bedroom, he moved to stand close to his best friend, his gaze almost pleading. “Precious boy…come on. Come out with us…Heehyoung won’t be there.”

Youngjae looked into the eyes of his best friend-the man that he knew he was in love with and swallowed thickly before nodding. “Alright, mister…”

The grin that formed on Busan native’s face was worth any difficulty Youngjae was sure that he would have going out.

Next Chapter

genre: romance, pairing: daejae, genre: friendship, status: work in progress, genre: angst, rating: pg, title: sitm, group: b.a.p.

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