(no subject)

Jun 03, 2008 07:35

so last night was strange... i asked charles if he ever got together with this friend to tie up loose ends, and he said he had the night he went out with friends. but when i had talked to him that night he told me there were 2 girls from high school and his best friend there... he never mentioned this other chick being there. he swears he didn't omit that on purpose, and i believe him... it just kinda upset me. i do trust him completely, which is why i believe him, it's just strange. and he told me that me getting upset made it seem like i didn't trust him. which i called bullshit on for that reason because i encouraged him to meet with this chick and talk things out, i know how much it sucks to lose a friend like that (same thing happened with james). and he said he is bad at communicating, which he can be and he has done a wonderful job this summer, just... one of the only things he didn't communicate makes it seem like he was hiding it. buuuut he wasn't. which i know. he just messed up a little bit, shit happens.

i started working out yesterday. i plan on looking extra hot for charles when i step off that plane. tan, blonde, and toned i hope, haha. although it's only 4 weeks. !!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 weeks and 2 daysssssssssssssssssssss. **happy dance** i am sooooooooo excited.

oh and i sprained my wrist jumping off the lifeguard stand at the beach. gg me. oh wow, nerd side of laura coming back out. haha. gj me...

off to work to slave away on cad. ugh.
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