I might go look for you secretly [ CLOSED ]

Sep 11, 2011 21:53

Who: face-twins, Ventus (endtome) and Roxas (dualstance)
What: Ven needs to hide and Roxas is tagging along with him, during which they'll be viewing Ven's mirror and talking lots
Where: Roxas' newly discovered PoS, his room from the Castle That Never Was
When: pretty soon after this aka Vanitas' arrival and continuing on for a few days
Warnings: will add when necessary x:

[ He didn't know how this even all started, just the feeling of rushing off in different directions only to end up in a place neither of them knew of but knowing that this is where they could stay safely until they are ready. Or more like, when Ventus is ready. Because it's for him that he's even doing something like this, walking in on unknown territory without really knowing the reason why or even what. Just that Ventus needs to get out and hide, to get away from things and that he wants- needs someone with him.

Seeing the state that the other blond had been in when he came across him, Roxas just couldn't ignore the other. Something had been off, worrisome that he couldn't refuse anything, didn't have the chance to when the urgency seemed to build and he couldn't just shake it off as something that didn't have anything to do with him. So he'd gone along, for some reason retrieving Ventus' mirror from his room as quickly and stealthily as possible.

And then they ran, destination unknown, just some place to hide and keep safe. Some place that wouldn't be known to anyone. Not even to them.

Somehow their venture led to this seemingly abandoned place, but for some reason, Roxas felt drawn to it like when he'd found Twilight Town and the clock tower. Something was luring him in, something that said it was secure no matter the slightly odd edge it contained. But being one who listened to his instincts, he went with it and led Ventus along.

Now they are inside, the room all white with no other real furnishings besides the bed and a bedside table. The most curious thing about the bed though is the head board that contains a symbol of some kind. One that Roxas seems to know but can't quite recall... ]

I think.. I know this place. [ He looks around, already knowing there isn't much but still looking, trying to urge the memory out. ] Somehow, I know I've been here.

[ But from where?

Roxas looks to Ventus, an attempted look of reassurance on his face. ] I think we'll be safe here.

*roxas: kingdom hearts, ventus: kingdom hearts

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