La Resistance

Jul 23, 2011 10:02

Who: coolexec ; anyone who shows up
What: La Resistance meeting
Where: Lioriley's Place of Solace
When: July 23rd, day
Warnings: Most likely language

He'd received a package when he'd been working in the lab below the small, non-descript building that served as an entrance to his place of solace here and he'd known then that it was time to move with the plans he'd had since Genero revealed that he'd known about the organisation (lovingly dubbed La Resistance in Tony's mind), plans that had been put on hold thanks to the jump ten years into the future (or whatever that had really been) but the letter wasn't something he could ignore and it had been addressed and delivered to him personally, at his place of solace.

Encryptions were shot for trying to organise a full scale meeting and for the moment Dalton Academy was out which was why he went to Lior to ask for her place of solace to be used - large, out of the way, dark enough that someone could enter from any angle - and doing it during the day meant masks could be worn (a double edged sword - there could be people working against him but what was life without risks?) to protect anonymity and no one would be able to listen in on thoughts unless it was a talent they already possessed outwith the bounds of teneka. That in place, it was time to do things the way they had before, the old fashioned way, door to door throughout the residencies armed with multiple copies of a simple note dictating a date, time and place for the meeting, directions on how to get there, instructions to inform interested parties not located within the residencies and kept the package to himself. He'd read it before he got to the meeting but everyone deserved to get the information together.

The forest was eerie but it would work and if anything came to attack them, they'd have the numbers and skills to deal with and get on with their work - he even came armed with a laptop because it had been a while since he'd done the recruitment drive so it was an opportunity to get new arrivals involved in what he was doing. He waited while they filtered in then whistled sharply before cupping his hands at his mouth.

"Okay people listen up. Some of you here have been part of this from the start, others are brand new faces but it doesn't hurt anyone to be reminded about why we're here: we're here because we want answers and information about the city and why we're here, who's in charge and who works for who and most importantly, how we can get home." He paused and looked out over whoever was present. "I know we've had setbacks; it's unavoidable when we're working in their city but we're going to change how things are run to try to limit that as much as we can.

First off: the encryptions were a longshot - I'm working with someone else's tech, I'm surprised it took them so long to tell me that they could see through it. Secondly: they know about Dalton Academy so that's out unless we're using it as a decoy - Lioriley," he nodded to the dark elf with a smile, "was kind enough to offer this for now and for future uses and the more places we can use, the better. I don't want any of you to volunteer anything against your will, let me make that clear. Again, you know that I went door to door with announcing this and I want to know if anyone has suggestions for how we announce a meeting without going door to door or using the PORTAL system. Meetings here might not always be so innocent and I can't guarantee that there won't be guards or something depending on what happens. But we keep each other safe, got it? We don't point fingers because there will be information leaks, there will be people who work for whatever side suits them best or who want to play factions off against each other."

He took another pause to allow that to sink in before he produced the letter he'd been given.

"But the reason I got you all here, today, is more than that. There's something I'd like you all to hear."

[[ooc: NOTES!  Please read:
The letter will be read aloud in a separate thread but replies will be disabled; please discuss it in the general mingling thread
Threadjack guys - la resistance is as much about encouraging CR building and cross-canon interaction as it is about the plotting aspects
Any questions you guys might have, get a hold of me via PM, aim or plurk
Enjoy guys, sorry that events taking place in game meant this had to go on hold until now.]]

quorra: tron legacy, roy mustang: fullmetal alchemist, simon bellamy: misfits, ram: tron, hibari kyouya: katekyo hitman reborn!, charles xavier: x-men first class, *tony stark: iron man

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