If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all...

Jul 20, 2011 14:21

Who: Christina Nickson and anyone in House #14
What: A family dinner. Of Evil.
Where: House #14
When: Wednesday night. (Because I suck at dates)
Warnings: Violence, swearing, Christina being a sketchy little skank?

She found the Kramer House. It was just as it had appeared in her vague memories of that time in the alleged future- so that was her Place of Solace, was it? She'd laughed when she entered. Solace? There was no solace there.

Or was there? The trappings and belongings of the Kramer's remained, although they were missing, and for a moment, she could see them as they were when she first arrived, so bright-eyed and full of love and adoration for her. She sat on Judy's bed and imagined their late-night talks, all the fears she shared with the other girl. She had so wanted to find a sister in Judy, but in the end... She was betrayed.

She had smashed everything in Judy's room in that moment of realization and locked the door and proceeded to do the same to the master bedroom. The Kramers didn't live here anymore- they hadn't for a long time. It was an insult to her intelligence that this place was supposed to give her comfort when all it did was remind her of what she was- a monster. That girl ten years in the future, so cute and innocent? She was a lie. She could never exist. She left that girl in a cloud of dust in Point Pleasant, New Jersey.

And she'd prove it.

Time was nothing to her. She knew it had been awhile since she'd last returned to the house she lived in, but she couldn't guess how long and she didn't want to. She just stormed into the building and every door and window locked automatically. When she spoke, it felt like her voice echoed childishly through every hall.

"Olley, olley oxen free," she crooned.

christina nickson: point pleasant

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