Who: Everyone!
What: Soledate is now in full swing!
Where: All around the city
When: Now, from July 10th to July 24th
[Today, you might notice, is different from a normal day in Promenade. The sun is up higher than normal, and brighter than it should be. Still, it's nowhere near harmful to anyone, and all of the shadows that are commonly seen in dark areas are almost non-existent.
Should you walk outside, you'll notice the bright colors and festive clothes the residents are wearing, and how everyone seems to be more cheerful than usual. Children run around in the streets, playing instruments, and the smells of a nearby feast can be always found in the area. Music plays in the distance and people laugh as if they don't have a care in the world.
You may even find there's vendors around to assist you and help you get into the spirit of the holiday. The Queen and her son Frederick take pride in the differences everyone has, and this time is no exception. Masks are still worn, but some are edited or added onto, if people so desire.
Welcome to the two weeks of eternal sun, better known as Soledate. In this time, the King is asleep, the sun remains in the sky for the entire time, and festivities are planned accordingly. The summer season has arrived, so be prepared for a time you've yet to experience anywhere else.]
Here is the info post for the holiday! If there are any other questions, feel free to ask there.]