Who: Nepeta + OPEN
What: Nepeta's out to explore the city and meet more of the fellow Prom residents
Where: Starting outside House 12 and continuing wherever her mood takes her
When: June 7th, Day
Warnings: None right now.
Our time's almost running out )
Unfortunately, all of the buildings were beginning to blend together and look the same. Her mask was beginning to get ridiculously stifling as well. The day had started off so pleasantly too.
Then she caught sight of a rather...interesting looking person on the same street she was. Trying to get some directions couldn't hurt, right?
"Hello there!" She called and waved, trying to get Nepeta's attention.
When she spoke, her tone was wary but still friendly. "Hi! Um...have we spoken before?"
She didn't think she had. But since most of her communication thus far had been via text, she couldn't know for sure without asking.
She lowered her hand. "No, I don't think we have. I just got here a few days ago. I'm just a little lost. I was wondering if you knew which way it was to House 12 from here?"
"Oh! Yes, I do. I've only been here a few days myself but I've just come from there!" With a pause, she added, "Do you live there too?"
"Yeah, on the fourth floor. I take it you live in the building?"
"Yes! And on the same floor, too! It's funny, I don't think I've seen you before...maybe we just keep missing each other?"
How very sincere that sentiment is; Carmen had actually been worried about meeting her neighbors, but this one seemed very friendly.
Smiling at the introduction, she replied, "It's nice to meet you too, Carmen Murphy. I'm Nepeta Leijon."
Of course, she knew the convention of referring to someone just by their first name but she was in a playful mood and so she couldn't help using Carmen's full name. She hoped the humanw would take it in the lighthearted way it was meant.
"Nepeta... That's a very unique name." It wasn't said in a negative context; just an honest observation. There wouldn't be any trouble remembering that one. "There isn't a better way to learn your way around a new place other than exploring. ...I just got lost in the process."
She giggled a little at Carmen's comment on exploring. "I did that my first night here. I...the mirror was starting to upset me so I decided to try and find out where I was. Only I got lost and because I had no voice I couldn't ask anyone for help. Luckily Equius read my memo and came to find me."
"Are you feeling better about this place now, at least?" Carmen asked, genuinely concerned.
She smiled, appreciative of Carmen's concern even it were unnecessary to her mind. "Oh, yes. I think I have Equius to thank for that...I'm sure I'd have done fine without him, but he makes it easier." With a pause, she asked, "Do you have anyone from home here?"
Then, Carmen shook her head. "No. Well-" She thought for a moment more. "No one that I've found yet, anyway. I'm a little glad for it; I don't think anyone I know would take this sort of situation very well."
She gave a curious look as Carmen explained she was the only one of her world there. "Oh? Well then I think you must be purretty brave to be here by yourself."
"Well, I didn't have much choice in that, but thanks."
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