and whispering:

May 18, 2011 17:31

Who: dirt-heart and solarpurpura (closed)
What: Children in the mirrors.
Where: House Nine
When: Now.
Warnings: I would advise avoiding this log if Eden's past bothers you.

It has been... difficult, with Kelly here. There is distance between them, a literal span of time that Eden does not understand, but that she can see and she can feel in every movement made. He stands with his shoulders back, eyes up. He smiles at her easily, says things to her that she is surprised by, and she sees the discomfort in his face at her reactions.

He has been gentler to her since he arrived, careful to hold his tongue when he needs to, and she sees that as well. It is tempting, to let him him coddle her. There is no call in the city of dreams to accept the impositions of reality, she has closed herself off to them many times before.

It has never been Kelly's role to serve her. He is no Morrison, he is no slave, he is her friend and their support is meant to be mutual. She tells him to stand when he falls, he has a place against his side for her when the world is cruel. Not Kelly dangling from Morrison strings, there at her whims. And so... she can no more ignore Sapphira's crying in the night than she can turn a blind eye to the changes Kelly withholds.

She enters his room quietly, touches nothing, only turning her attention to the mirror which stands there. She does is several times, watches his work in his restaurant, the people he smiles and speaks to, others who he is curt with in exchanging small packages. Othniel visits, and she watches her little brother's face, sees how he has grown into himself.

And eventually, she sees herself. Waiting on the wet porch of her family's home as Kelly pulls up to them in his car. Eden is holding a little girl she does not recognize, but whom she brings forward and presses into Kelly's arms with a smile. He takes the little girl and kisses her all over her face before asking where 'Candy' is, and is told she is in her crib.

It is not difficult to understand. It is not difficult at all and Eden drops down to the floor in front of the mirror quietly, curling up to watch herself with her children.

*eden morrison: original character, eden morrison: original character, kelly bridge: original character

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