Оруэлл, Сталин, Барселона

Sep 25, 2009 15:31

Появились слухи, что будут экранизировать "Памяти Каталонии" (Homage to Catalonia) Оруэлла. В статье читаю:

Hugh Hudson will direct the bigscreen adaptation of George Orwell's "Catalonia," with Colin Firth and Kevin Spacey set to star.Orwell's book tells the real-life story of how he and his wife Eileen traveled to Barcelona to fight Stalinism. Orwell then joined the Anarchist brigade and fought in the Spanish Civil War. The film will focus on the relationship between Orwell and Georges Kopp, the commander of the Anarchist brigade.

Совсем охренели?

orwell, movies, chef d'oeuvres, literature

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