(no subject)

Jan 01, 2011 03:21

Wow, what a crazy amazing year 2010 was. Not even kidding, I think I must have saved a busload of nuns in a parallel universe or something to have earned this kind of karma. Let's have a replay of some of the stuff I did in 2010...

1) I finally got to Hiroshima. I've been trying to get there for years - it's been on my bucket list. I've felt like I needed to make peace with the absorbed guilt I feel from so many innocent lives being so horribly lost, and I feel like I have inally gotten the peace I've been looking for, especially finding out that hiroshima is far from a ghost city - it's flourishing an absolutely gorgeous. The time I spent there with my host family is impossible to forget.

2) I keep forgetting this, so I'll write it now while I remember it: I ate fugu in Hiroshima - you know, that deadly pufferfish that can kill you if improperly prepared? I ate it twice - raw and cooked - which is pretty funny because I always said I would never eat it unless I knew I was dying. So I ate it. And I'm still alive. Yaaaay.

3) I broke off a very long, very drawn out and very unpassionate relationship, and THANK GOD. No, seriously, by the end it was getting pretty close to being a mentally abusive relationship if it wasn't already. The break was long overdue, and I feel like it was an exercise of my new-found self respect.

4) I joined a dance team and participated in a competition in Hokkaido. That part was AWESOME. I made lots of great friends, I found self respect, and I got to dance, which I've been wanting to do. And...

5) I lost over 20 pounds, thanks to a more-or-less healthy mix of dancing like crazy and not eating all that much. Yay being poor! Regardless of the means, I lost it and I've managed to keep it off. And that makes me a happy panda. o(^▽^)o

6) I fell into a real romance. Seriously, I've never felt like this. I know I keep saying that, but honestly - wow. He's just so perfect in every way. <3

There were bad things too, of course - moving back to gram and pap's, leaving Japan, failing out of a class for the first time since 7th grade... But ultimately the good things were just epic.

So goodbye, 2010 - you were more than generous to me.

Happy new year, everyone!
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