And I, JACK, The Pumpkin Kiiiing...

Jul 29, 2004 13:05

So...update on Quest:

Yesterday my mother talked to the Vet on the phone. He said that if he is still trying to use his legs and can use them occasionally, then he probably just pulled a muscle really badly or possibly tore a ligament. We have this medication for him that we got last year, it's like..super-duper-dog-Aspirin, which seems to make him feel a little better. He's been staying in the garage with a big carpet and a fan for the past two days because the first day he kept having accidents. That seems to be fading away now, but the Vet told us to keep him on one level for a while with no steps, so we're still not ready to put him back inside yet. He also said if he doesn't improve any by Sunday that he'll come over and look at him. Anyway, Bunz and Maja; thanks for your concern. <3 my Sailor Stars Vol. #1 Pocket Mixx came in the mail today. I bought it off of someone on, since Amazon themselves don't have any in stock. Who knows if they ever will since I've heard SM's been going steadily out of print. Then lastnight I bought SuperS Vol. 3 off of there too. Stupid Carissa!! Stop spending money!! *beats self*

I'm almost finished the Deep Aqua Mirror. I am wating for the molding clay to dry that I used to make the wavy thingy on the front side of the mirror, so I can paint it. It's just going to have to do without the lady on the other side...I tried molding her but...let's just say it didn't go well. I may be an Art major, but I'm majoring in DIGITAL IMAGING....never said I could do anything with my actual hands XD Oh well, I tried.

Anyway...I'm kind of embarassed because I think it looks retarded and lame. Everyone's gonna have crazy mad awesome accessories and I have this stupidass mirror I got from the Dollar Store. Go me!!! Oh well...I'll deal. ;-)

Uh...I guess that's about all. I'm so fucking boring, ne? *Does an entertaining dance for you*

Well tonight is Hibachi and Sushi. I'm going to be driving down with An to the shitty (read - City) to meet with Usa, Mamo and the crew. Then we're riding over to Nichi Bei Kai in Towson. Um...I'm so not keen on the area where they're staying (Lombard Street, augh) so I'm hoping I don't make a huge jackass out of myself and am able to navigate us onto 6-95 without being shot. Ah Baltimore, I love you, you fucked up crack-addict ghetto murder city. XD

*stares at her "hot" mood icon* ........huh? Oh, sorry... ;)

PS - Michelle, where ARE YOU?! XD
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