Title: Ten and Beyond Rating: R Genre: Angst Pairings One-sided KyuHan, hints of ShiHan Warnings: Death Summary: Kyuhyun was ten when he met the sixteen year old Geng. For Annie.
you just completely killed my brain (and my heart) not only because this was angsty angst angst but mainly because I WAS NOT FREAKING EXPECTING THIS OMG
that's it. you're spending way too much time with me. did i contaminate your happy, cracky self?! /flops
but seriously i love it, how can i not? there's shihan and kyuhan and geng dies (doesn't he always) and kyu is heartbroken and tortured and it's all so twistedly delicious /shot
you just completely killed my brain (and my heart) not only because this was angsty angst angst but mainly because I WAS NOT FREAKING EXPECTING THIS OMG
that's it. you're spending way too much time with me. did i contaminate your happy, cracky self?! /flops
but seriously i love it, how can i not? there's shihan and kyuhan and geng dies (doesn't he always) and kyu is heartbroken and tortured and it's all so twistedly delicious /shot
i love it bb <3
XD You must love it when Geng dies and Kyu's torturing himself all over it.
<3 Yay! Glad you like!
shush you, im sadistic okay? you cant blame me for liking my biases a little tortured~ /runs away
of course i did bb <3
-Chases after you- sal;djf;sjfjasf Geng's leeggsss around Kyu!~ I'm sure Kyu wouldn't mind having Geng's long, lean legs around him. ;D
<3 Yay.
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