Nov 06, 2007 14:42
Now that the conference is over I can get back to my wip. And after talking about it with my editor I feel I'm on track with the story and the direction it's heading. Wrote yesterday morning, again in the afternoon and again after pool! I don't usually work like that but I'm so drawn to this story it was fun and felt great. 3 chapters (4,125 words) It's a chapter book/early mg so I seem to be on target. I'd go back to it now but I have to head out to Young Author's Club soon. Very soon. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it when I get so absorbed in a story! Ah, but that means not much gets done around the house. Like cleaning (not my favorite thing anyway) The dust bunnies are lining up in formation to launch a coup. I shall probably just wave the white surrender flag. And go back to writing...