Oct 30, 2011 01:05

I supose it is high time I fill out som'sing for zis silly log bullshit zat we 'ave to do.

Since zis seems to be ze fastest way to contact wis ze Administrator, assuming zey are reading zis...I would like to point out zat I 'ave been 'ere for several days now and 'ave killed no one, wis ze acception of a few rats in zis disgusting fort you 'ave sent ( Read more... )

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iamthescouthere October 30 2011, 16:26:03 UTC
Don't get your frilly li'l panties inna bunch, Frenchie. We should be battling soon. And hey, you're one of us unreliable misfits. Don't knock your own team. Jerk. You better not screw us over by waving your little white flag when we get onto the field.

Your singing leaves a LOT to be desired, man. Don't quit your day job.

(OOC: HAHAHAHAHAHA that video is hilarious. xD Poor Spoi.)


l_espionrogue October 30 2011, 17:12:06 UTC
I believe zat I am ze only exception to which I was refferring to, from what I 'ave seen so far, anyways. I assure you, I will 'ave ze majority of ze BLU team wiped out in ze time it would take you to pick up ze Heavyman's gun! Do not expect me to cover your stupid ass when out 'zere, ei'zer.

And sorry you did not like it. I 'sought ze lyrics were quite good, but I'm sure it is still better zen any'sing you could do.


iamthescouthere October 30 2011, 18:01:32 UTC
Whoa, talk about being delusional. We'll see how many kills you get compared to the trillions I'm gonna be gettin' battin' skulls in while pickin' up the intel. You just go and play hide and seek with your safety scissors.

I could actually do a whole lot better. I ain't too good with singin' but I've got a killer sense of rhythm.


l_espionrogue October 30 2011, 18:35:39 UTC
Wow, it seems you 'ave more time on your 'ands zen I do. Unlike you, I 'ave no need to train myself fo battle. Per'haps I will start making bets wis ze o'zer mercs on how long you will actually last out zere, huh? My guess is less zen 10 minutes.

I don't even know what zat was, but it was definitley NOT music.

OOC- I'd make a Justin Beiber joke about Scout, but he doesnt exist yet...lucky them! XD


iamthescouthere October 30 2011, 20:00:22 UTC
Wha- you don't train? Oh, that's right, you're chain-smoking and whining to yourself all of the time. I'm sure that's really gonna help once we go into battle. And yeah, you probably WILL last more than 10 minutes out there actually, 'cause you're gonna be using your stupid little invisibility thingee to hide from the enemy like a wuss the whole time 'cause ya didn't frickin' prepare.

Actually, you know what? This is between you and me, so I'm gonna make a bet with YOU about how long you're gonna last. Twenty bucks says I make it through the first ten minutes of the first battle before you. No, wait, make it FIFTY bucks.

It so was music, ya bastard! You just can't appreciate my fine taste and wicked musical stylings!


l_espionrogue October 30 2011, 20:36:24 UTC
At least I am prepared enough to 'ave proper weapons and gadgets wis me!

Oh ho ho! Is zat so, boy? I accept zis wager. And if I do not 'ear from you again after ze firt battle...because I also assume you will run 'ome crying t your mo'zair, zen I will collect ze money from 'er!

If she is as beautiful as ze BLU Spy's mo'zair, maybe I will work some sort of deal wis 'er. But I doubt zis, considering 'ow unattractive 'er off-spring is!


iamthescouthere October 30 2011, 20:57:33 UTC
You do anything with my ma and I swear to God I'll go looking for yours. 'Cause I'm gonna win this bet. Man, I bet your mom's ancient. And old people always have a lot of money. If I can stand lookin' at your ugly masked mug, I bet I can deal with lookin' at her ol' wrinkly face so's I can get my cash.

And shut up! I'm handsome! At least I don't have to wear a mask 'cause people will see my ugly face and instantly recognize me as the goddamn Elephant Man.


l_espionrogue October 30 2011, 21:04:51 UTC
My mo'zair 'as long since died, so shut your fil'zy fucking mouth!!

(OOC- Actually, she might be alive still...but she probably went back to Quebec. ;P)

O'zerwise, I would say go for it...it may be ze only shot you 'ave to lose your virginity!

Oh, I'm sure your mo'zair told you zat to spare your pitiful feelings. And for your information, I wear ze mask, also to spare your feelings. Because if you could see 'ow 'andsome I really am, you would probably weep at 'ow ugly you would look standing next to me.


iamthescouthere October 30 2011, 21:25:32 UTC
HEY! For your information I ain't a virgin! Yeah! I've gotten laid like twelve billion times already, so shut your stupid mask hole! And that's too bad that she's dead. She could have had one last shot at happiness before she kicked the bucket. Probably woulda written me in her will and given me your inheritance.

My ma didn't have to tell me that, I know I'm a good lookin' guy. Case in point, I will repeat, I have been laid TWELVE BILLION TIMES. That's a lot of chicks who dig me. You probably have to wear your mask all the time when you're with broads 'cause they'd run at the sight of your hideous face. ...I bet you got a beak for a nose or something. And like cat ears on the side of your head. So sad that BLU's ma settled for somethin' so disgustin'. She must have some pretty low standards to be with a guy like you and have a kid like that.

I'm so good lookin' you probably already cry yourself to sleep at night 'cause you ain't never gonna be as handsome as me. Your mask is probably soaked with tears when you wake up.


l_espionrogue October 30 2011, 21:39:08 UTC
Well, you mentioned you came from a big family....but 12 billion bro'zairs? Zat must be a new record! Your mo'zair must be one busy lepin!

HA! You wish. I can get 'is mo'zair even wis ze mask...you probably couldn't get a fat girl, even if I let you borrow it!


iamthescouthere October 30 2011, 21:53:37 UTC
Wha- NO! I said chicks! CHICKS! Not bros! Oh my GOD, you French people are sick. I don't know how you guys did it in France, but here in America we don't do it with our family. Must be why you look like such a mongoloid, with all of your French inbreeding and shit.

An' stop talkin' about my ma like that! She ain't no leper!

Why would I even want a fat girl?! You do fat girls? Jesus Christ, you stoop to levels I'd never go to. BLU's ma, fatties, your siblings... I don't think I wanna even know what else you've done.


l_espionrogue October 31 2011, 02:23:57 UTC
Oh, excusez-moi. 12 billion sisters. Zat is not what I 'eard about Americans. I assumed ze inbreeding is ze reason you are all so slow! Do you really expect me to believe zat you 'ave been wis any girl, unless zey 'ad absolutley no self-esteem? HA! Zat is some'sing coming from someone who 'as barley hit puberty.

And for your information, I 'ave no siblings. My family was killed be zos fucking Germans on a ship crossing over from eh...visiting friends in Canada. I was ze one who survived.

Just because your mo'zair is probably hideous, does not mean you can talk about BLU Scout's mo'zair zat way! 'ow dare you! She is a beautiful woman! Don't make me come over to your bunk and smack you, you disrespectful little morceau de merde!

OOC- "Peice of shit!" :P


l_espionrogue October 31 2011, 03:08:31 UTC
OOC- and BTW sorry I didnt answer you on Steam when you IM'd me, I was oot and aboot and I didn't realise it was still logged in. SO SOLLY I NO ANSWER!!


forceanature15 October 31 2011, 19:56:29 UTC
ooc: Yeah take the lemons and burn his house do-...wait wrong game..)

Did he bring Ma into this?! Aw Hell no...Listen ya piece of shit. Ya leave my Ma outta this OK? She ain't done nothing to you at all...what is your major malfunction brotha about slammin' my Ma?


iamthescouthere October 31 2011, 22:01:24 UTC
I ain't the guy you should be askin'. Spy here's already been slammin' your ma. Literally, o' course.


l_espionrogue October 31 2011, 22:49:03 UTC
You're mo'zair 'as done plenty to me, I can assure you zat.


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