Oct 30, 2011 01:05

I supose it is high time I fill out som'sing for zis silly log bullshit zat we 'ave to do.

Since zis seems to be ze fastest way to contact wis ze Administrator, assuming zey are reading zis...I would like to point out zat I 'ave been 'ere for several days now and 'ave killed no one, wis ze acception of a few rats in zis disgusting fort you 'ave sent ( Read more... )

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Comments 38

forceanature15 October 30 2011, 15:28:02 UTC
ooc: oh man...SpyDay! That was awesome.


l_espionrogue October 30 2011, 17:13:23 UTC
OOC- I especially liked the 'Oui, Oui, I fucked your mother." part XDDD


herr_doktor906 October 30 2011, 15:37:05 UTC
Ze song is.... awful. Terrible. Vat are you doink mit your life???

ooc- srsly though that was hilarious.


l_espionrogue October 30 2011, 17:01:57 UTC
It is all I can do to keep from going insane in this place! I 'ave never even 'ad an intrest in composing music at all until recently.

OOC- Its terrible, just like the real Rebecca Black! XDDD


iamthescouthere October 30 2011, 16:26:03 UTC
Don't get your frilly li'l panties inna bunch, Frenchie. We should be battling soon. And hey, you're one of us unreliable misfits. Don't knock your own team. Jerk. You better not screw us over by waving your little white flag when we get onto the field.

Your singing leaves a LOT to be desired, man. Don't quit your day job.

(OOC: HAHAHAHAHAHA that video is hilarious. xD Poor Spoi.)


l_espionrogue October 30 2011, 17:12:06 UTC
I believe zat I am ze only exception to which I was refferring to, from what I 'ave seen so far, anyways. I assure you, I will 'ave ze majority of ze BLU team wiped out in ze time it would take you to pick up ze Heavyman's gun! Do not expect me to cover your stupid ass when out 'zere, ei'zer.

And sorry you did not like it. I 'sought ze lyrics were quite good, but I'm sure it is still better zen any'sing you could do.


iamthescouthere October 30 2011, 18:01:32 UTC
Whoa, talk about being delusional. We'll see how many kills you get compared to the trillions I'm gonna be gettin' battin' skulls in while pickin' up the intel. You just go and play hide and seek with your safety scissors.

I could actually do a whole lot better. I ain't too good with singin' but I've got a killer sense of rhythm.


l_espionrogue October 30 2011, 18:35:39 UTC
Wow, it seems you 'ave more time on your 'ands zen I do. Unlike you, I 'ave no need to train myself fo battle. Per'haps I will start making bets wis ze o'zer mercs on how long you will actually last out zere, huh? My guess is less zen 10 minutes.

I don't even know what zat was, but it was definitley NOT music.

OOC- I'd make a Justin Beiber joke about Scout, but he doesnt exist yet...lucky them! XD


crocketlauncher October 31 2011, 02:36:00 UTC
Hey, Spy, I thought your song was pretty good! Yep, a real toe-tapper. And it was really accurate! Especially the part where you were off PRANCING ABOUT while your team suffered humiliating defeat! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, FRENCHIE. THAT WAS SARCASM. STOP BEING AWFUL.

(OOC - I may have listened to this three times so far, hahahaha.)


l_espionrogue October 31 2011, 03:11:55 UTC
I found most of it was very accurate. You will see what I mean when I am saving your ass from zos BLU bastards on ze battlefeild...if we ever get out zere, zat is.


crocketlauncher October 31 2011, 04:24:13 UTC
Yeah, I agree with you on that one! Time to give 'em hell already! Seriously, what are we waiting for, an invitation? I was promised war and I intend to collect!

Hey, you're a Spy; go spy something that'll give us an excuse to start early, eh? Heh heh heh.


l_espionrogue October 31 2011, 06:43:00 UTC
Eh..I will see what I can do about zat.


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