Title: Break Out the Faith
Pairing: YooSu/YunJae & OT5
Length: Oneshot? Ficlet? Who cares?
Genre: General, Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mild suggestive part?
Summary: In regards to Yoochun’s part where he sings “Baby we keep the faith eternally”. They certainly do, we just didn’t realize it until now. ;)
A/N: Since its my birthday today and the longer preview was released today I was inspired to write this. Its not much and it wasn't written to be depicted as true, its just how I felt. =)
I made the banner a different color like that because a) Yoochun's jacket is red like the Red Ocean of Cassies and b) the green flecks are now purple - therefore representing the Purple Line which inspires me everyday just like the five gods of the east. :)
“You really want to add this?”
“Yes.” Five voices chorused in perfect unison despite how long they’d been apart. The studio director nodded and allowed them to keep their preferred part in the new song.
The cell phone was turned off of conference and Yoochun breathed a deep sigh of relief. Yunho and Changmin were looking at the other three curiously, they were worried… it wasn’t hard to tell. The trio had walked in pretty tense.
“You look sick, Jae.” Yunho voiced finally after looking at his lover’s thin figure and paler-than-usual complexion. Jaejoong just smiled wryly and nodded.
“But not from an actual sickness.” Jaejoong murmured. Yunho circled around the island in the kitchen of their apartment in Tokyo. Before he even said anything, Jaejoong was collapsing into his open arms and Yoochun ‘aw’ed playfully.
Junsu piped up after a few moments of watching Yunho and Jaejoong nuzzling each other. “Let’s sleep together tonight.”
They’d always done so when they first debuted and it wasn’t a bad idea. It was how they used to get out all their worries and problems out because the lights were out and the only noises in the room were their voices speaking out loud.
“I second that.” Changmin raised his thin hand. Yoochun grinned at him while Yunho and Jaejoong stared in shock. Usually Changmin hated sleeping with the others, his usual reasons being their ‘noises’ during the night including their snoring and beyond and the fact that he was always squished between the two horniest members (AKA YunJae).
So it was set, they would sleep together in the living room since it was the only room big enough for five bodies to lie out. Yoochun’s job was gathering the pillows; Junsu’s job was getting the covers while Changmin and Yunho worked on moving the furniture. Jaejoong argued with them to allow him to help, but Yunho had used his leader glare on the umma, so he sat in the corner of the kitchen pouting.
As soon as everything was ready, they each laid in their preferred spot: Junsu on the far right followed by Yoochun, then Jaejoong and finally Changmin and Yunho on the far left. It was their stage spots and they liked it this way, even if Changmin was right in the middle of YunJae.
“What’s the problem?” Yunho spoke after a few moments of comfortable silence.
“Nothing,” Junsu smiled happily up at the cream colored ceiling. Everyone made a noise, wanting an explanation as to why they were not in their comfortable beds then if he didn’t want to talk. “I don’t have anything to talk about because we don’t need to.”
“Yeah, it’s already been said.” Yoochun followed behind Junsu easily. Junsu squeezed Yoochun’s hand once his fingers felt the thin outline of the composer’s under the covers. “We keep the faith eternally.”
Everyone wore a smile, each forgetting their troubles with the outside world. No one would ever understand their relationship. They didn’t have to, they could say what they wanted, but only five hearts, connected by the bond they share will ever know the truth behind closed doors.
And that truth was that, no matter what, no matter where life takes them… They will always remain five.
Eternally DBSK, eternally the five gods that rose from next to nothing and became the beautiful embodiment of music.
“Okay, that is not a flashlight I feel… Yunho.” Changmin warned as he faced a laughing Jaejoong. The maknae pouted as the umma leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on his forehead.
“Aw, Yunnie, don’t scare our baby.” Jaejoong cooed. Changmin smiled warmly despite his protests. He missed this, he was tired of the mess, but he didn’t want Jaejoong, Yoochun or Junsu to give up their fight. Changmin’s warm fingers grazed Jaejoong’s cheek and he frowned.
“You’ve lost weight… you all have.” Changmin wanted to cry.
“Shhh, go to sleep Changminnie. We’ll eat something good in the morning.” Jaejoong murmured. Changmin squeaked and pushed against Jaejoong, who grunted in annoyance.
“Stop whispering hyung… you’re turning on little Yunnie down there and I don’t want to get caught in-between this again…”
Too late. Two legs were thrown over his lithe frame and he quickly shut up.
“Be quiet Changmin.” Yoochun grumbled, throwing his leg over Jaejoong and poking Changmin’s shin with his toes. Junsu giggled and reached over both Yoochun and Jaejoong to poke Changmin’s cheek.
“Go to sleep guys. We’ve got a PV to shoot tomorrow and I really don’t want to hear Changminnie whine again.”
“I do not whine.” Changmin growled, “Men do not whine. What does that make you guys?”
They could almost feel the youngest member’s eyebrows rise in sarcasm. They all laughed, loving Changmin’s snarky attitude.
“Good night everyone.”
“Good night everyone except Junsu.”
“Chunnie… be quiet.”
“Love you Su.”
“I love you all, now sleep.” Yunho growled playfully.
“We keep the faith.” Yoochun whispered, putting his hand over Changmin’s and was soon joined by everyone else’s, Junsu’s having to sit up, but his joined everyone’s.
“Eternally.” They all spoke simultaneously and then drifted off to sleep, limbs tangled and some bodies in odd positions, but they didn’t care.
Its fail isn't it??? Oh well, I only wrote it in like... 20 minutes? 30 minutes? Doesn't matter. Its out of my head and I can sleep some now.