As the Magpie Chatters

Aug 24, 2022 17:17

Title: As the Magpie Chatters
Author: l57371
Pairing: House/Wilson
Wordcount: 6315
Rating: NC17
Warning: Young men and old truths
Spoilers: Pfft
Summary: “I’m not buying sex.” He said, looking House in the eye. “I’m buying a little bit of kindness. The sex is just a bonus.”

Beta'd by the ever patient Mrs_Sweetpeach

*One for sorrow, two for joy*

Warm, soft lips trailed up House's neck, marking small kisses on his skin up to his hairline. A large hand, skin hot from sleep, trailed up his side and across his chest, ruffling his chest hair and scraping blunt nails over his nipples. He groaned softly and stretched, turning slightly onto his back and pushing into the solid body spooned behind him.

The sleepy scent of Wilson - sandalwood aftershave, something with apples in it for his hair - tickled his nose and tingled down his spine. Heat crawled through his limbs and stirred in his belly.

"Jimmy, don't stop," he whispered, raising his chin a little and prying open his eyes.


Just another of the dream Wilsons, a staple of House's nights. He closed his eyes and tried to recapture the sensations of lips and fingers. No good. May as well get up. He carefully pushed aside the spare pillow he slept with, the one Wilson usually used when he stayed over, inhaling again that apple-y scent, and levered himself up to sitting. For a moment he debated going back to sleep and trying to relive the dream, only keeping his eyes closed this time, but reality won out. It was worth it to get up and go to work for a chance to spend some time with the real Wilson, even if there were no chance of having those lips on his neck.

Resigned, he clambered out of bed, dressed and hit the road.

Continued on AO3
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