The Slow Dance of Time

Aug 22, 2022 18:33

Title: The Slow Dance of Time
Author: l57371
Pairing: Lorne/Parrish
Wordcount: 6987
Rating: NC17
Warning: Poison, pointy sticks and a recalcitrant jumper
Spoilers: Pfft
Summary: "Overall Lorne felt pretty good about the team he’d put together." Two years of team building.

Beta'd by the ever patient fififolle

Day 1

The newly christened Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard leaned back in his chair and braced one foot on the edge of his desk. He regarded the newly assigned officer at attention before him and drawled, “Seriously, Major, at ease already.” The Major dropped into the stiffest version of ‘at ease’ John had ever seen.

“Yes, sir,” he snapped crisply, his eyes boring a hole in the wall exactly 18 inches to the right of his new commander’s nose.

Sheppard sighed. “Please, Major, I’m begging you, sit down before *I* have to come to attention too.”

Major Evan Lorne sat gingerly on the very edge of the visitor chair on his side of the desk, hands resting on his knees, and waited.

“Says here you were through the Earth gate all the time and had some pretty interesting encounters with those Goa’uld fellas.” Sheppard had the file open on his knee but it was only for show. He knew the contents backwards and forwards.

“Yessir,” Lorne replied.

“Says you performed admirably and with distinction,” Sheppard continued.

“Yessir,” Lorne said.

“Says you actually asked to be assigned here the first year but didn’t get the nod, so you volunteered to come to our rescue with Colonel Everitt.” Sheppard raised an eyebrow at this one.

“Yessir,” Lorne repeated, still boring a hole in the wall with his stare.

“Says you enjoy knitting and kite-surfing too.” Sheppard flipped a page in the file.

“Ye -” Lorne blinked and finally looked at Sheppard’s face. “Um, sir?” he said.

“Just seeing if you were paying attention,” Sheppard said with a grin that lifted one half of his face.

Continued on AO3...
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