(no subject)

Oct 10, 2005 00:12

yeah. so me and Garrett just broke up. hes all like we dont see eachother enough so we should just be friends(which is bullshit because who did i spend practically my sholle weekend with? HIM) and hes like im not saying that just to say it. i really want to be really close friends with you still...but the thing is..after everything that happened last night, ill never be able to be "just friends". hes the most amazing guy i have ever met and it hurts knowing that hes not mine anymore, and that we will have to be "just friends". i know that its almost impossible to be friends with someone that you still have feelings for...because everytime you see...or talk to them it hurts too bad.. and i guesse this sounds kinda lame becaus weve only been together for a couple months, but..ive never been so close to a person before. it felt like ive known him forever...hes all i ever think about.. it really feels like some one took away a part of me...

having him made me realize how much i HATE being single. that i need some one there, to hold me, to hug me, and to love me.

i hadda talk to someone about all this..no ones online...and its too late to call Carissa or Sara..theres no one to cry to now...so i just poured my heart on on here...yeah. its stupid..and i probally sound stupid...but whatever, it doesnt even matter anymore.

...i guesse im just not good enough for him = (
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